Orange County NC Website
+• Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />`}:~~ <br />Tue sdey, August 25, 1953 <br />The 3oard of County Commissioners for the County of Orango mot in an <br />ed~ourned meeting August 25, 1953 et 7:30 o`clock P. td. in tiv< Commissioners` <br />Room at the Courthouse. , <br />i5embers present: Chairman R. 0, r^orres t; Commissioners Sim L. Efland 1 <br />and R. J. id. Hobbs. J <br />Iliembers absent: Rona <br />1dr. Zre A, '~iard, County Accountant and Tax Supervisor for the pest <br />six years, tendered his resignation and asked that it be effective Sent- <br />ember 15, 1953, so as to en¢ble him to ¢ccept e position with the Hillsboro <br />Building .s Loen Association. <br />§Ir. hard ozpre sled his appreciation to the members of the Board for <br />their fine coone ration and stated it had been e real pleasure to work <br />with them end that he had been reluctant to savor his connection with the <br />county. <br />Commissioner Hobbs moved that the resignation of F9r. 5%¢rd be accepted <br />with regrets, and Commissionor Efland seconded the motion, which rras un- <br />animouslg p¢sse d. The 9oerd then thanked ;dr. Bard for the fire=.,work ho <br />had done for Orange County and wished him much succoss in his nerr line of <br />work. <br />Chairmen Forrest brourht to tha attention of the 3oard that the work <br />on the new Courthouse was progressing to such en extent that the present <br />contract callln!; for the exterior work should be completed in about sixty <br />days end that if the courthouse is to be comnle tad it vN_11 be ne ces serq to <br />issue S"90,000 in bonds. <br />After ¢ thorough discussion of the m¢tter Commissioner Hobbs made a <br />motion that the County Attorney and County Accountant contact i5r, Ci, E, <br />E¢s terling, Secre terq of the idorth Carolina Local Government Commission <br />end have him ne.goti ate the sela of E'"30,000 Ora..^.ge Cowntg bonds for the <br />piu^pose of completing the no rr Courthouse. Chairmen Rorrest seconded the <br />motion, :rhich rras passed by the follorrin vote: <br />Ages: Commissioners rr^orrest & Hobbs 1 - <br />Idags: Commissl oner Efland J <br />There being no further business, upon motion, ed•journe d. <br />J. E. Laws <br />Clerk to Board <br />R. 0. Forrest <br />Chairman <br /> <br /> <br />