Orange County NC Website
~§;1U <br />Minutes of tho Board of Commissioners <br />lhondey> Jnty 27, 1953 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in ea adjourned regular <br />meeting July 27, 1953 at 8 o'clock P.?.?, in the Commiasioners~ Hoorn at the <br />Courthouse, the usual place of ;nesting. <br />Ltembers present: Chairman R. 0. Forrest; Commissioners Sim L. Efland <br />and R. J. IA. Hobbs. <br />Members absent: None <br />Npon motion of Commissioner Hobbs, seconded by Commissioner Ef lend t•~1 th <br />all members voting the affirmative, the follo:•.flng resolution levying texas <br />for the year 1953-19511 was adopted: <br />On each poll the sum of $2.00 <br />On each female dog the sum of 2.00 <br />On each male dog the sum of 1.00 <br />Far Oenerel Fund purposes the sum of .195 <br />For Farm Extension purposes the sum of :038 <br />For Health purpos ea the sum of O.L <br />For Public Vfelfare purpos as the sum of .043 <br />For Old Age Assistance purposes the sum of .038 <br />For Aid to Dependant Children purposes the sum of .025 <br />For Aid to the permanently and Totally Disabled <br /> purpos ea the sum of .00 <br />For County Bond purposes the sum of .07 <br />For School Current Expense purposes the sum of .7.1x9 <br />For School Capital Outlay purpos os the sum of .233 <br />For School Debt Service porn os es the sum of .152 <br />The above making a county aide total rate of $1.00 on the each K1C0.00 <br />valmati on of props rty. <br />In addition to the above, there shall be a £1.00 penalty charged on each <br />tax acc aunt which is not listed during the perlod specified by law for this <br />purpose. <br />In accordance with Chanter 919 of the 19!x9 Session Lews of North Carolin <br />there shall also be a levy of $.20 per .1,`100.00 valuation on all taxable nro- <br />nerty eri thin the Chapel Hill Sneciel School District, with the proceeds from <br />this levy to be remitted to the said District upon collection for the purpose <br />of mcetirr the current expense needs of tho School District. <br />In addition to the above lavie s, the maximum amounts of taxes allowed <br />to be levied under Schedule B of the Revenue Act of 1939, es emended, are <br />hereby levied. The County Tax Collector is hereby ¢uthorized end instructed <br />to collect the maximum texas as provided by said evensse Act. <br />On mot3 on of Commissioner Efla nd, seconded by Commissioner Hobbs, with <br />all members voting in the affirmative, the following resolution covering ea pr <br />priati one for the fiscal ye er 1953-1954 is adopted, to wit: <br />That Orange County apnropr iate for its budget for the fi scel year begins <br />July 1, 1953 and ending June 30, 195L;, the following amounts, to wit: <br />For General County Fund the sum of 5$107,730.00 <br />For F¢rm Exte psi on Fund the sum of 13,490.00 <br />For the Public Health Fund tho sum of 166,700.00 <br />For Recorders Court i•Yznd the sum of 7,295.00 <br />For Salary Fund the sum of 41~9.Do <br />For the Public Plelfare Fund the sum of ,349.00 <br />For Old Age Assistance Fund the sum of 10 ,000.00 <br />For Aid to the Permanently and <br />Totally Disabled Fund the sum of 18,600.00 <br />For Aid to Dependent Children Fund the sum of 86,760.00 <br />P•or County Bond Fund the sum of 35,082.50 <br />For School Current Expense Fund the sum of 118,710.30 <br />For School Capital Outlay Fund the sum of ll6,570.00 <br />For School Debt Service fund the sum of ~57, 332.50 <br />That the above annronrieti on to the Selery Fund of X53, 449.00 is derived <br />by using ¢n unencvmbe red balance of S5 ~~~9 O9 end other revenues such as <br />commissions and fees to the amount of ~21,, 659, 96 with an anpropri etion from <br />the General County Fund of S'23,119.95 which amount is needed to raise the <br />total needed for county selarie s. This anpropriati on of :,23,119.95 is here- <br />by specifically transferred from the General County Fund Revenue to the Salary <br />Fund, and said amount is in addition to the .,1,`107,730.00 which apnea rs in the <br />abovo described budget under the head of General County Fund. <br />That in the above eppronriations for Schools, as will be shovm in detail <br />by reference to the School Hudget statements 5vhich have been filed by tho <br />Orengo County 3oerd of Education and the Board of Trustees of the Chapel Hill <br />School Administrative Unit and which budgets have been approved by this Hoard, <br />it is determined that the Chanel Hill Specinl Charter District shell receive <br /> <br />,r . <br /> <br />