Orange County NC Website
~8 <br />tdinutes of the Hoard of Commissioners <br />Monday, July 6, 1953 <br />Tha Oranr~e County Hoard of Commissioners met is regular aesalon on <br />Monday, July , 1953, at 9:30 o'clock A. ;d. in the Commis sioners~ room <br />at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, North Carolina. <br />hfembers present: Chairman R. 0. Forrest, Commiss inner Sim L. Efland <br />and Commissioner R. J. Lf. Hobbs. <br />Members eb se nt: None. <br />The minutes of the past Tour meetings erere read end approved. <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Aid to Alind Grnnt of P. R. <br />Casten for 524.00 per month was approved, contingent upon the Nfe lfare <br />Da partme nt contacting hie children with reference to their contributing <br />to his support. <br />Unon motion duly made and seconded, Aid to B11nd Gra:?t of Minnie <br />Thompson, foster mot}er of Be zella Farrington, for the supaort of Hazella <br />Farrington, was approved for "..36.00 per month. <br />' Whereas, it is necessary and prover that fixed salaries, principal and <br />interest of indebtodne ss, stated comnonsation of of flcers and employees, and <br />usual ordinary expenses o_* the county and its subdivisions may be promptly <br />paid. <br />Now, therefore, upon motion of Camnissionor 8fland, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner H.obb s, it Ss hereby ordered that the following Sntarim annropria <br />tines be me de: <br />To the General Fund a 2,500.00 <br />To Public Ylelfaro Fund 20,000.00 <br />To Salary Fund 3,000.00 <br />To School Fund 10,000.00 <br />Ta Recorder ~s Court Fund 500.00 <br />To Health Funds <br />TOTAL 1 500.00 <br />.37, 00.00 <br />Tho County Accountant is authorized and directed to pay current ordinary <br />expenses against the funds above listed not exceeding the amounts of the <br />appropriations hereby made. Said annroprietions made by this resolution aha1: <br />be chargeable to the several appropriations respectively hereafter made in the <br />annual appropriations resolution end adoption of annual budget for the gear <br />1953-1954, which will be done at the ¢djourned July 27, 1953 meeting of the <br />Board. <br />Unon motion of Commissioner Eflead, seconded by Commissioner Hobbs, it <br />is ordered that Honner D. S¢wysr be paid 5100.00, es per court order, for <br />defending Jamea Pool, charged with the capi tel offense of arson in the June <br />term of Superior Court. Payment to be made Pram the General Fund emergsncy <br />annronrlatlons. <br />Upon motion, duly made end seconded, it was ordered that the report of <br />S, A, Johnson, Trvetee of Orange County Road Sinking `r'ued, be spread ssnon <br />the minutes, which is es follorrs: <br />OLA?fGE COU"ITY R04D SZT.IILING FOND <br />1913 Issna - fi25o,o00.00 <br />Numbered 1 to 250 <br />Race Sued of S. A. Johnson, Trustee: <br />(1) All of the above bonds, paid and cancelled extent <br />bond /f206 which has not been presented Por na'yment. <br />(2) Check in the amount of 51,000.00 to pay band =206 <br />upon preasntation. <br />(3) Check for ~2, 255.67 being the amount of the fund in <br />excess of requirements. <br />Witness T. N. 9rafford Signed Ira A l'f¢rd <br />T. .9rafford, CPA Ira A. Vfard, Accountant <br />Tho 9oerd of Education and Lir. G. Paul Carr, Superintendent of Schools, <br />apnoered and discussed their 1953-1954 budget reeuast in detail. <br />Mr. C. W. Davis, Superintendent of the Chapel Hill Schools, appeared in <br />connection with their budget revue st for this fiecel ye er. <br />The Hoard informed the 9oerd of education and Mr. Davis that it was im- <br />possible to balance the County budget within a fi1.00 tax rata without making <br />some cuts in the school reeuests and expressed themselves egai nst a raise in <br />the tax rate at this time. <br />Dr. 0. David Garvin, Superintendent of Health and R. Hume Clayto r, Coun <br />Dog V'~e rden, aopeered end discussed matters pertaining to the dog problem. <br /> <br />I~ <br />i <br />