Orange County NC Website
r'~,`^~Z 6tinutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />Tuesday, June 30, 1953 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County mat in an ¢d,f orned meeting <br />on Tuesday, June 30, 1953, at B o~c].ock P. 7d., in the Commis sioners~ Room <br />at the Courthouse. <br />Atambers present: Chairman R, 0. Forrest and Commissi one re Blm L. <br />Efland and R. J. id. Hobbs. <br />NSsa Ruth Thomos on, Home Demonstration Agent, lntroduced ASi ss Kathryn <br />Lucille Pritchett, who wee appointed Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, <br />as of Jvne 29, 1953, to fill the vecancy left by Miss Dorothy Parrish, who <br />resigned as of June 27, 1953• <br />IInon motion of Coamtiss loner Hobbs, ae conded bq Commissioner Efland, <br />the Board approved the appointment of tdiss Pritchett and ordered that she <br />be paid for the remaining two daps of this fiscal year at the same rata <br />of salary as wee paid Ltiss Parrish. <br />The Doard then made a study of the foes being cello cted bq the 9herif£, <br />the Clerk of Court and the Register of Deeds and mode comnaraioas with <br />fees collected by other countsies. <br />The Soard requested the County Officials to make a list of Pees in- <br />cluding proposed changes and present same to them for approv¢1 at a later <br />d¢te. <br />There being no further business, upon motlon, adJourned, to meet Jvly <br />2, 1953 et 7: 3o P. ia. <br />J. E: La1rs_ _ _ _ <br />C1eik to Doard <br />g. 0. Forrest <br />Chairman of Board <br />I I <br />i` <br />