~fb Minutes of the Board of Commisaloae rs _
<br />Monday, Meg 4, 1953
<br />The Board oT Commissions ra for the County of Orange met on Monday, tSay 4,
<br />1953, at 10 o'clock A. Lt., in the Commiasionere' Room at the Courthouse in
<br />Hillsboro, the usual place of meeting.
<br />Members present: Chairman R. 0, Forrest, aim L. Eflaad and A. J. M. .'1
<br />Hobbs, Co:mai.as inners. ~
<br />I_
<br />Members absent: None.
<br />The minutes of the Apr11 meetings were read and approved.
<br />Hume Claytor, Orange County Dog V/arden, appeared and reported that he had
<br />bald approximately one-third of his Clinic Anpointmeat s, and had vaccinated
<br />433 dogs against rabies.
<br />The Board ordered their Clerk to wri to to Drs. L. L. Vine, 3. A. Nathan
<br />and Vl. G. Chrisman and request them to furnish the County wl th a list of
<br />owners of dogs they vaccinate dvring their rabies cl lnlca.
<br />Dpon motion duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the County Dog
<br />Plarden charge a fee of 51.00 for each dog vaccinated after the closing of
<br />the clinic, on May 30, 1953•
<br />The Board of County Commissioners met with the Mayor of Chapel H111 oa
<br />April 22, 1953 and discussed the Program of Planning and Zoning the area
<br />around Chapel H111 ae defined in House BS11 Number µl0.
<br />Mr. Davie and tSr. Smith of the Chapel Hill School Board appeared and
<br />discussed their 1953-54 budget needs.
<br />Dr. 0, David Garvin, Superintendent of Health, appeared and stated that
<br />ha was requesting an appropriation of 518,200.00 from Orange Couatp for the
<br />Tiscnl year 1953-54• 'i`bis would be an increase of 51},200.00 over the 1952-53
<br />appropriation.
<br />Lir. Matheson, County Agent, and Etr. Barnes, Assistant County Agent, ap-
<br />peared end made a fine report on the work being done through their org¢nlza-
<br />t1on. tdr. Harnes stated that Orange County hogs and steers made an excellent _
<br />ahoming at the Fat Stock Show recently held in Durham bringing away several i
<br />high honors, including the best group of 3 steers of ~ counties and beet ~
<br />ahowmenship. "'
<br />IIpon motion of Ccmmiesioner Efland, seconded by Commisaionor Hobbs, it
<br />was ordered that an electric refrigerator be purchased for the Health Depart-
<br />ment. Payment to by made from the General Fluid LSnergency Appropriation.
<br />Mies Annie Strowd, County Suoeriatendent of Public t7elfare, presented
<br />her 1 53 -51} budget regne sts. Orange County's part as follows: OAA $13,500.00;
<br />ADC 58,6766.00; APTD 52,1}00.00.
<br />Bpon motion oT Commisaloner Hobbs, seconded by Commie sinner Eflend, the
<br />above budget regneata were tentatively enproved.
<br />IIpon motion duly made and seconded, Aid to Blind Grant pf Mary Y. Street
<br />wes approved for 551.00 per month.
<br />dir. 57111iams of the Chapel Hill Insurance and Realty Company, appeared
<br />and discussed fire insurance needs on county property. He atated~that in
<br />his opinion the buildings were adequately inavred except for extended coverage,
<br />but that the courthouse Fixtures were under-insured.
<br />Now therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Efland, aeeondad by Commis-
<br />slonsr Hobbs, the Chapel Hill Insurance and Realty Company wes authorized to
<br />make some addition to the insurance carried on the Courthouse equipment and
<br />add extended coverage on all county property.
<br />The total insurance to be lsaued under one 5-year master policy and be
<br />distributed equally among Chapel Hill Insurance and Aealty Company, Chapel
<br />Hill, N. C., Citizens Insurance Agency and John P. Ballard oT Hillsboro, N. C.
<br />The following names were drawn to serve as Jurors at the June Term of
<br />Superior Court: "~
<br />1
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