The Board oS Commissioners for the County of Orange met in regular eeesi on
<br />on M1tondap, February 2, 1953, et 10 o'clock A. si. in the Comnissi oners' Room
<br />et the Courthossae in Hillsboro, North Carolina, the usual place of meeting.
<br />' 6tembers present: R. 0. Forrest, Chairman; Sim L, Efland and 3. J. f."..
<br />i^ Hobbs, Commissl oners.
<br />~:
<br />Ltambers absent: Nona.
<br />The minutes of the January meetings were reed and approved.
<br />fitr. A. G. Neville appeared pertaining to the st¢bil lzatlon of a road 1n
<br />Chapel Hill Township running from the Bethel Church road to the Orange Grove
<br />road, a distance of 1.9 miles.
<br />l7. T. Humphus prey ant ed a petition requesting that a road in Chapel Hi11
<br />Tovmship, approximately three miles in length and running oSf the New Hona-
<br />Chepel Hill road near New Rops Creak, be added to the State Highway System ae
<br />s dirt road.
<br />Dti es Pearl McFerl ing appeared end rsquested the Boards assistance in
<br />helping to eliminate the complications et the internee ti on of the Mount fitori eh
<br />road into Highway 15~•SO1. fiiiss LScParling al'eo raised a question pertaining
<br />to the tax list by J. L. M1SeP'arling Aeirs. She indicated that there were more
<br />acres listed for taxes than the idcFerlinG Heirs actually owned. The Hoard
<br />advised 1•i iss idcFarling that she should call this matter to the attention of
<br />the 9oard of Equellzetien end Review on the third Monday in aarch, 1953• Lti se
<br />;ricFarling was invited to pro sent eny evidence that she might have to substan-
<br />tiate her contention in this matter. Consideration of this situatlon was
<br />deferred to the third i.ioriday in March, 1953, vri thout pre Audi ce to the tax payer
<br />Don S. Efatheson, County Farm Agent, appeared and discussed the Farm
<br />Progress Program planned for 1953•
<br />The Chairman read a resolution to the Board passed by the Lsague of
<br />women Voters of Chapel Hill on Jenvery 28, 1953• This resolution urns as
<br />follows:
<br />!^ "The League oS Women Voters of Chapel Hill Savors a Board of County
<br />~ Commissioners for Orange County whose members represent the county at large
<br />~-~ rather then any particular district ar township^..
<br />It was brought to the attention of the Board that 6Ir. 17. H. Plemmons
<br />of Chapel Hill Township contended that hie new house on trtason Farm Road urea
<br />only 47°m completed on January 1, 1952• A statement by Mr. J. F. A. Thompson,
<br />the building contractor for f~tr. Plermmons house, was reed which sub st¢ntiated
<br />Ltr, Plemmons contentlon. It was moved by Commissioner Efland, seconded by
<br />Commissioner Hobbs and unanimously passed that the 1952 asses ament on the Ff. R.
<br />Pl ertrmons house be reduced to l}7~ of its full assessed value.
<br />A petition by the Board of Trustees of the Chapel Rill School Administra-
<br />tive Unit requesting the addition to the State Higheray System oS e road from
<br />North Carolina Highway 54 to the Glenwood School site to the new bypass, a
<br />distance of 310 of e mile, wen nre sented.
<br />The Chei rmen read a letter Srom 2dr. Joa N, Howard in vrhich he tendered
<br />his resignation from the County t4elfare 3oard, effective with the Lierch, 1953
<br />meeting of the L'lelfare Board.
<br />Zt was brought to the attention of the Hoard that e bill had been intro-
<br />ducal in the 1953 Legislature which, if passed, would repeal the lien provi-
<br />sions of the Old Age Assistance Law. It was moved by Commis ai oner Efland,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Bobbs and unanimously passed, that the Clerk to this
<br />Board should notify the legislative renrea antative of Orange County, ilr. S. Yl.
<br />Uma teal, Jr., that this 3oard wen opposed to the rape al of the lien provision
<br />of the Old Age Assistance law.
<br />Upon motion by Commissioner Hobbs, seconded by Commissioner Efland and
<br />unanimously passed, the following resolution was adopted:
<br />"fHEREAS, Section 153-135 of the General Statutes of North Caroline
<br />authorizes, empowers and directs the Aoard of County Commissioners to select an
<br />dos i3nated es the official depas itory of the funds of Orange County for the
<br />Hari od beginning ae of the first day of December, 1952, and ending on the first
<br />day of December, 1953•
<br />It is understood that said des'_r<,nation is made on the same terms and
<br />conditions es 1s set forth in the depository agreement made between the 3oard
<br />of Commissioners of Orange County and the Durham 3enk 6: Trust Company dated
<br />the 9th ley of April, 1951, es to the depositing in escrow with The Fidelity
<br />Bank of Durham, North Caroline, bonds of the kinds set forth in said agreement
<br />of not loss than X175,000 per value, and upon the sews terms and conditions as
<br />is set forth in the depository egreeme nt made between the Board of Conmiss inner
<br />oP Orange County end the Durham Benk & Trust Company, dated the 9th day of
<br />