<br />I+iinutea of the Board of Commissioners ~~~
<br />fitondag, January 5, 1953
<br />The Board of Commissioners for the Couatg of Orange met in regular session
<br />on Tdondey, Jenuarg 5, 1953, at 10 o'clock A. `d., is the Commissioners' Room at
<br />the Courthouse in Hillsboro, North Carolina, the usual place of meeting.
<br />fiSembers present: R. 0. Forrest, Chairmen; Sin L. Efland and R. J. M.
<br />Bobb s, Conimissionera.
<br />I ~
<br />`- 4tembera absent: None.
<br />The minutes of the December meeting were recd end approved,
<br />ldr. John t'1. Umstaad, Jr., member of the North Caroline Leglsl¢ture from
<br />Orange County, appeared and requested that the Board submit ang bills it may
<br />have to come before this session of the Leglslatura, not later than January 31,
<br />1953•
<br />A delegation of approxim¢telg twenty citizens from Chseke, Cad¢r Grove,
<br />Little River, Eno and Hingham Tormships, appeared in connection with increasing
<br />the number of Couatg Commi ss ionera.
<br />Gtr. Reid Roberts of Eno Torrnehlp acted ae spokesman for tho delegation.
<br />He stated that the group was 3n favor of increea ing the number of Commissioners
<br />to seven, with one Commi.eaionor from each Township.
<br />Gtr. J. E. Hnvrkine of Cedar Grove Township stated theg ¢1 so favored the
<br />anme number on the Board of Education.
<br />Rir. L. N. Sparrow, who was elected Constable of Chanel Hill Township in
<br />the November election, appeared with a $1,000.00 signed bond, and asked that
<br />he be administered the oath of office.
<br />I~Ir. R. 0. Forrest, Chairmen of the Board, administered the oath of office
<br />to LSr. Sparrow and directed fi1r. Ira .4. YI¢rd, County Accountant, to releeae
<br />this bond mhon fiir. Sparrow presents a satisfactorg surety bond.
<br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Eflend, seconded bg Co®iasioner Hobbs, the
<br />following chengea ware ordered in Aid to Blind Grants:
<br />~. Bart Alexander t'lil eon reduced from ,E,39.00 per month to $38.00 per month.
<br />Lydia fitee Blackwood reduced from $35.00 par month to $33.00 per month.
<br />v Mr. S. A. Johnson, Trustee, presented the following report of Orange County
<br />Road Sinking Fund ae of December 31, 1952•
<br />II. S. Gov. 2a & 2ga 22,000.00
<br />U. S. Series F. (Current value about
<br />$zz,25o.00) coat 19,040.00
<br />Bonds, this issue 6~, 000.00
<br />_ ~.t bonds Chathnm County 4,000.00
<br />1 Orange County Jail 'pond 1.000.00 ,*r"113, 040.00
<br />First Fed. S¢v. & Loan, Burlington 5,000.00
<br />Co-Op. Bldg. & Loan, Wilmington 5,000.00
<br />First Fad. Snv. & Loan, Durham 10,000.00
<br />Piedmont Fed. Bav. & Loan, Winston 5,000.00
<br />Securltg 3. & L. Durham 10,000.00
<br />Home B. & L. Durhnm 10,000.00
<br />tdutual B. & L. Durham 10,000.00
<br />Home Fed. S¢vinga 4 Loan, Fngetteville 5,000.00
<br />Citizens H. & L. Salisbury 5,000.00
<br />H1.11sboro H. & L. 10,000.00
<br />Peoples B. & L. Y/ilmington 5 000.00
<br />Idutuel B. & L. Heideville, IJ. C. 5,000.00
<br />First Savings & Loan, td ebane 10,000.00
<br />Sanford B. & L., Sanford 000.00 $100,000.00
<br />ifiorris Plan Bank, Durham 10,000.00
<br />~.' Durham Industri nl Bank, Durham 10,000.00
<br />___- Durham Hank & Trust Co., Hillsboro ______6_000_00 $ 26,000.00
<br />Checking account, Durham Bk. & T. Co., Hillsboro S 1.163.62
<br />TOTAL FU1ID, ezcluding ¢ccrued interest on Serlea F. Bonds x240,203.62
<br />/s/ 5. A. Johnson
<br />TRUSTEE.
<br />The Board of Education nppeared and pre aented the following resolution:
<br />