Orange County NC Website
ADOPTED 4/3/95 <br /> SUMMARY - PROPOSED SCHOOL CAPITAL FUNDING PROGRAM <br /> At its March 30, 1995, the Orange County Board of Commissioners considered the following elements of <br /> a program aimed at alleviating school facility concerns: <br /> IMPACT FEES <br /> 1. Update the technical report to recalculate the maximum flat fee that can be justified for each <br /> school system. Conduct another public hearing to receive input on a more substantial increase in <br /> the impact fee, including a higher fee level for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school system if justified <br /> by the revised technical report. <br /> Implementation: Technical Report Update May 1 <br /> Public Hearing May 25 <br /> 2. Authorize the Planning Department to employ interns to gather data necessary to prepare a <br /> "sliding scale" proposal through which to assess higher impact fees on larger homes, provided the <br /> study demonstrates that larger homes generate more school age children. <br /> Implementation: If interns are used, two would be needed during the May-July period. <br /> Based on an hourly wage of$8.00 and a total of 66 work days during <br /> this period, each intern would cost approximately $4,485, including <br /> F.I.CA The total cast for two interns, $8,970, would have to be allocated <br /> between two fiscal years:$6,135 in FY1994-95 and$2,835 in FY1995-96. <br /> FY 1994-95 Appropriation April 18 <br /> FY 1995-96 Appropriation June 26 <br /> Data Collection May 1 -July 31 <br /> BOCC Work Session August 10 <br /> Public Hearing August 30 <br /> 3. Update the technical report annually as part of the required Annual Report on impact fees. <br /> Implementation: Develop a schedule for preparation of the Annual Report, including the <br /> technical report update, which allows the Board of Commissioners-to <br /> consider the reports, conduct a public hearing, and adjust the schedule <br /> of impact fees annually as part of the budget process. <br /> LAND FOR FUTURE SCHOOL SITES <br /> 4. Request both school systems to identify future school sites,and request Towns to incorporate sites <br /> into their land use plans. Incorporate future school sites identified within the County's planning <br /> and zoning jurisdiction into the land use plan. <br /> Implementation: Authorize the Chair to send a letter to the School Board Chairs and <br /> Mayors requesting that such actions be taken. <br /> 5. Request municipalities to consider limiting the rate of approval of new residential development so <br /> as not to out-pace the ability of the County to provide additional schools. <br /> Implementation: Schedule an Assembly of Governments meeting for the purpose of <br /> discussing public school capital needs as well as methods of assuring <br /> that needs do not exceed facility capacities. <br />