i;iinutes of the Board of Commiesione rs
<br />3fi$
<br />i•Sonday, Ifovember 6, 195G .3G 9
<br />^_ho Board of Coumissioners for the County of Orenge mat in regular se ssi o?
<br />on :.Iondey, ilovembar 6, 1950, et 10 o'clock A. 'i. in the Commissioners' Room at
<br />the Courthouse. t[embera present were Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman, H. G. Lera
<br />¢nct Ben F. 47ils on, Commissioners.
<br />The minutes of the October meetings vre re reed end epproved.
<br />Don S. 4iethason, County Farm .Agent, and Ed B¢rnes, P.s si stent County Farm
<br />Agent enneared end reported on the general Fermin; condi ti oas in the county.
<br />They st¢ted thet corn zcrenge hed been reduced, but the nroduc ti on had been
<br />doubled end thet the? erera re con!mendin~ more swine to tel<e care of the inerea:
<br />aroduction.
<br />Unon motion of Co:mni ssioner Lerrs, seconded by Con?missioner '.711 son, t?:e
<br />`o1lo:cinr, road petition, for a coed in Cheeks Torrnshin, wes nap roved for
<br />stabilized on and ordered sent to the State Highwey and Public Vlorks Commis sic
<br />for their cons ide retion:
<br />Running from iii ghc:ay ?Io. 70 to the Lebanon Road. Length
<br />of road: 1.5 miles.
<br />The following rond petitions v+ere nresentod, but action was doterred
<br />e leter dete.
<br />Road in Chenel Hill Torn sh ip ±^unning from Columbia Street
<br />3xtension to the Airport Road. Length of road: 0.3 miles.
<br />Roed in Geder Grove Tormshin running from tho Old Re ssee
<br />Plece to the Cesvrell County Line, Length of rond: 1 mile.
<br />Uaon motion, duly seconded, it ees ordered thet Curtis Scott be P.;iven the
<br />contre ct to neint the front porch of the Jnil et e Write of S1 .$0 per hour,
<br />the County furnishing the paint.
<br />'upon motion of Commissioner Plileon, duly seconded by Comnissi oner Lacs, ii
<br />was ordere3 thet an order be ale ced with 1.4otorole Eouinment Comoenv for the
<br />equipping of trro cars in the Sheriff's Department rri tL r¢dios connected with
<br />the Police Denertment Station in Chs nel Hill; elso, that Orange County nay to
<br />the ^_otm of Chspel Hi11, FS.00 ncr month es pert of the maintenance of the
<br />redio equipment located in the Police Department.
<br />Lirs. Jeep i~F. Heer, Superintendent of Public '~:elfnre aaaeered and dis-
<br />cussed the per; Social Security L¢w, end elso ee]ced. that Ce113e Jones Durham
<br />be accented as an Aid to Blind ce se.
<br />liow, therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Le•^s, seconded by Commissioner
<br />'ili lson, it is hereby ordered thet Ce11ie Jones Durham be paid X8.00 per month
<br />from the Aid to Rlind fund.
<br />Uaon motion of Comm ssioner H. G. Laws, the following resolution wes
<br />adopted by a vote of Cheirmnn Collier Cobb, Jr., nn3 Commissioner H. G. Lee>s:
<br />'a'niR!i45> Sen F 'Filson v+es elected es e member of the Board
<br />of Commissioners at the general eln c ti on held in 1938 and has since
<br />served sir, full terms in such office; and,
<br />lfr ~.P,13AS, Commissioner "iil eon hzs et ell times shorm profound
<br />znd sincere regards for the duties of his office, end hzs rendered
<br />inte lli(;eat znd efficient service, worlang et ell times unselfishly
<br />for the general welfare of Orange County and ell of its citizens; and,
<br />V7IiEHEP.S, the seid Ben P. 7111 son is leev;ng his oaf ice as Com-
<br />missioner with the expiration of the present term:
<br />iQ0'.'!, 9E TT F3SOLVED, Thet the County of Oren^e, ec ting through
<br />its Commissioners Cobb e.nd Lars, does now express to Commissioner
<br />4711son its highest enprec ietion and gratitude for his loyal, faithful
<br />and cooperet ive service to the County during, his term= in office es
<br />Commissioner, and rishes for him the future success and hepPino ss
<br />which he so richly deserves.
<br />It ie ordered thzt e certi.`i ed cony of this resolution be meiled tq the
<br />se id Ben =. `:Filson.
<br />The follovn_ng nemes were 3revm to serve es jurors et Chs December ^!erm
<br />or Superior Court:
<br />