id ondey, October 16, 19j0
<br />The Board of Commtssione rs for the County of Orenle met in adjourned
<br />roguler <e scion on Oct Ober 1~, 1950, eC 10 o'clock, A.;.1., nt the Courtho'~se in
<br />5iL abet o, ;forth Caroline, tiie usual place of meeting,
<br />Present: Cheirnen Co111er Cobb, Jr. end CommS es3onz rs H, G. Less end
<br />9en ~. 4:!i lson,
<br />Absent: Bone.
<br />Commissioner Leels introduced the follor+inr, order authorizing bonds, c+hich
<br />r+¢e read:
<br />0?DSR AUTiiOB?ZT;jG E15,000
<br />SCcOOL 3U1 LD11iG BOid?)5
<br />L
<br />'i ,='3AS, o.^. October 16, 1950, The Soerd of ?iduceti on of Oranre County
<br />nes sad a resolution finding that it is ne ce ssery, in order to meintein the six
<br />months' school term in the Orange County Administre five Unit as tee uired 'oy the
<br />Constitution, to erect end equip en edfiition to en eris tier, school buildin; in
<br />the Crenge County Admini stretive Unit, end shor+inr, thca funds ere ¢veileble for
<br />o¢yin, a norti o.^. of tine cost of such school imorovement 2nd that '•`.il$, 000
<br />is needed~to nay the bel¢nce of s.nch cost; end
<br />!:T?nRHAS, acid resolution requests the Soerd of Commissioners for said Cou
<br />to tel;e e11 nece sserg steps, Dy the issuen ce of bonds or oche rr:i se, to nr ov ide
<br />sni d. 515,000 bnlence of such cost; end
<br />~l.H!SA.S, the Soerd of Conmi ssi oners has ce refully e:.emined the facts end
<br />h¢s determined ¢ d does >?ereb-~- and e.s e _^ect that it has become the duty of
<br />seid Son rd of Conmmissi oners, e.c ting es en ndmi pis treti ve event of tcc Stets in
<br />providing e State system of public schools, to provide funds for the belence o3
<br />the cost of such school improvement in order to maintain the sir. months' school
<br />term es reoui red by the Constituti an; nor+, there ^or e,
<br />93 1T OP,9?BFD hi;D nFnT,'!!7D by the Boe rd o` Co:ami ss Toners for the County of
<br />Oreng
<br />1, Thnt, nursuent to The County ?i pence Act, as c:nend ed, bonds of Orenne
<br />'.County, I; orth C¢rol ine, shell be issued in en e~gre Bete p_*i nc in el em ount not
<br />e;:ce e3lnr, Sly', 000 for the p•!rpose o_" nrovi ding ihnds, r;:ith other _^unds eveifable
<br />for such nuapose, for erec*.inr; cal equippinr, rn add.ition to an existir:- school
<br />building in the 0rnere Count; Admin+_stretive Unit in order to mainte in the six
<br />monthsr school term in Ora.n~-e Oounty es reoui red by the Constitution.
<br />2. That s¢id ~!j].5, 000 School Building Bonds ere in edditi on to ti'!e
<br />~~1, OOC, 000 School Buildinr. Bonds eu th prized by en order finally neesed on
<br />Octob zr 17, 19Li9.
<br />3. That a tnr. sufficient to pay the pri..^.cip¢1 end interest o: seid .';15,000
<br />bonds Then due s'nell be annually levied cad collected.
<br />Li.. That e stn tement of the debt o` the County i~ec been filed c!ith the C1°:
<br />en<i ss on en to public inane cti on.
<br />5. Shat this order shell tel:e e.`.fect tT!irty days of ter tine first nublice-
<br />tion thereof after final peace-e, unless in the meentimc a ne ti ti on ,,^or its sub-
<br />mission to the voters is filed under seid Act, er:d that in such event it shill
<br />tehe effzct :vhen r_ppro ved b} the voters of the Cewzty et en electior. ns provided
<br />in seid Act.
<br />"_'he Soerd thereupon des i~~zneted the County Accountant e.^, the officer to msltc
<br />end file rn_th the cle rl: the state!nsnt of debt and assessed vnluation of the Cou±
<br />as required bg ^_he Cowity Finance Act, ae emended, to ba riled befo rz t.~ final
<br />pnssege of the bona order r^hich erec introduced at this me etia ;.
<br />Thereupon the County Accowntert Sled v+ith tl:e clerk, in the ore Bence of
<br />the Soa rd, the statement of dent and ees eased vnluation as so ra ~Uire d,
<br />Thereupon the order era itled: "Order cut harizing ':15,000 School 3uild iaq
<br />Bonds" ryas oessed on first reedin .
<br />On notion duly made and uneninously carr'_ed the Boe x'd fixed l0 o'clock A.1.1.
<br />October 30, 1950, es the hour end dev for the nubl_.c hee ring upon t%:e forz -oinr..
<br />ordz r, and directed t e clerl: t.o publish seid orde^, torte th ex' ra th the appended
<br />note as reoulred by Tire County ?'roan ce Act, es anended, ~in The errs of Oren e
<br />Covnty not Teter then the tenti'e day before said date,
<br />Upon notion duly made, seconded end nnenimously carried, the meetin; rtes
<br />e djourned to meet October ,0, 1950, et 10 o'clock 5, , et t:ne same ple.c e.
<br />Collier Cob"o, Jr.
<br />Cnni r,nan of Ana nd
<br />J. ~, Le_~s
<br />______________
<br />Clerk to Soerd
<br />3~io
<br />Liinutes of the 3oe rd of Comiss!.ene rs
<br />