Orange County NC Website
3~2 <br />13.inu`es of tha Hoard of Com~aiss±oners <br />L[ondey, Octcbar 2, 1950 <br />The Hoard of Corm issioners fur tke County of Orenge met in regulzr session <br />on October 2, 1950 et 10 o'clock A, :1, at the Courthcuse in Hillsboro, :forth <br />Carolina, the usual nlece oP maetinr,. <br />Present: Chai rme!x Co111er Cobb, .Jr „ and Commissioners 3. G, Leers and.Hen ,~ <br />, ';iilsoa. <br />Absent: 7?one I <br />Upon motion of Camri ssioner Laers, seconded by Comm ssi oner l'ii lson, the <br />bill of V. C. Cielto rs _for tyro s'ra en killed by dogs :•:as approved ¢nd it ores <br />osde red Chat 1d., 'Salters 'oa paid E~10.00. <br />idrs. riemri ck, Fome Demonst Teti on Agent, enpaa red end reported on the cork <br />bc-i~:-:a dona thratrh her of _'i ce, She ate tad that the Curb Lie rket Sales in Chapel <br />riill ~t;e re off considerably from previous years, <br />^x he Hoard o*" iiduc alien appeared end stetad that the cost of construction <br />had ;one up to such an e:a ant chat it looked like the only clte rnative mould be <br />to consolida Ce the proposed iieEro School et 2P1and ;~i th the Central Plagro <br />School in !?illsb ore, using the money to be spent et ~fland to build additional <br />class rooms here. <br />The Hoard sue e sled t'rat the school committee et °,aend end other lnterestc <br />na_rt ies be contec tad be°nre a decision eras made, <br />Upon motion o` Cosm issioner ?Nilson, seconded by Coeunissi oner Laces fled <br />unanimous ly pesaed that wages of Richard Pikes, e prisoner, Be deposited to <br />credit o' ~"el i'a re Pund to 'oe exn ended b^) the Cielfare Denzrtment as collec tad, <br />for sun~ort oi' Y,t:e crl fa end children o; Ri ci+,flrd Tikes. <br />Upon motion of Corms+_ssioner La•.m, sec ended. by Comunissioner ?vilson, it,nes <br />ordered t'net the Aid to 91ind Crept of !7arden iaenr. be reduced frees F20.00 per <br />month to X17..0:: oer month. <br />UDO.^. not!on of Co:mrissioner `ti lson, seconded 'o,r Co^xmi ssioner L¢!vs, it ~'i¢s <br />ordered that tixe '?id to Hlind Grant o_ itetildz Pickett be increzse3 Prom ':'h9.OG <br />oer no^.th Co 150.00 per monti~. <br />Carl C, Davis, Orange County Tex Collector, made =_ final re ~Ort on 19L9 ,-I <br />taxes, es folloers: <br />i ~ <br />CPA RGHS - <br />OriC,'ianl Levy ~ 280, 23(x.12 <br />Collection Orders to beta 2,796.L1 <br />-zl ties Collected. Co Dete ~.9e.57 <br />Advert isi=- costs Collected to Dato 38.25 <br />T a T A L c a n= e s S:z83,567.3.5 <br />C!=U2^S <br />Accounts Collected to Date 0267,317. 0 <br />Helen see to Date 315.0 <br />lend Sales Q.762.67 <br />T o T A ?, c s D i S 6277,395.57 <br />Balance Uncollected (lnsolven ts) 6, 15L. 7d. <br />TOTAL c3~D1TS ,,:*~ H"L+1GCH !k 283>550,31 <br />Uoon motion o= Comm:.=-seen=_r ('11snn, seconded b;r Co:zmi ssi oner Leers, the <br />a'ooce sport is unanimously zc ce pled, sub ~sct to the eudlt of :7. ;.i. Russ end <br />Comaany, Certified Public Accoux+.tent s, end that the 19L~.n te:c books be turned <br />ovc-r to Lre A. 'herd, Count[, Accountant, _^or further collection. <br />Uoor. motl on of Co-:^a ssioner Leers, secon 3e d. b' Co'.^.nissi oner 'iiilsoa, it is <br />he rab;r orris red ti~zt the 195C te:: books be turned over to Ce.r1 C. Davis, ^_ax <br />Collector, and that 'r.e prccead .:;itt: She collecti ors of szid texe s, zs provided <br />'DV Sail . ~^ <br />i . <br />Upon motion d~.IIy made, seconded and unenimousl;T c¢rrjPd the mesh n.; eras ~- <br />adjo~.xrnsd to Goober 11, 1950, at 10 o'clac'.; .'., _.. and at the se,:.e ple.c e. <br />d. L. Lacrs <br />CLD rI: to 9oe rd <br />Coll i~er Cobb, v°. <br />________________________ <br />Chairm¢n of Hoard <br />