Orange County NC Website
Tue sdey, SeP tember 12, 1950 <br />i <br />~ ~ <br />The Hoard met at 10 o'clock A. I.i. in tee building no::~ used zs tine State <br />°+r*,r+¢y Patrol Of; ice. Idembers nre sent were: Collier Cobb, Jr., Chai r:aen, <br />San r. 7alson end F.. G, Le:%s, COm:.i ss ione rs, <br />i+ir. Jza es J. ire ele.nd r:es er;aided the contra ct of cle¢riag the lot on <br />f:ergeret Lane and Churtos Street, which is the ^i to of the Proposes 7er+ Court- <br />house, of zll buildi nos, structL es znd buil sins mite rlels of every kind, <br />escent rock re taininr r;ells on tie South end Hest sides o" seid lot. <br />TL++= consideration for cleerin said lot she11 be all mete rials o_` every <br />de sc r~nti on, czcePt the steel Pence cost s, wire and re to s, which ere re so rued <br />by tho county. In addition to the above cons idar eti on, James J. ?roe land is <br />to be oa id Two Fi~u:dred end Soven ty-~lve Dollars (E;275~00) v!hen the lot is <br />complotely clezred. <br />The Poll o:vi ng road Petitions cre re epnro ved and ordered sent to the State <br />Hi rh^:ey and ?ublic ':forks Commission for their considcra ti on: <br />Road in Hi nrhrm Tov;nshiP runninr, iron Hi„he:ay "54 at <br />Pendergra sses to Chapel 'rill-Antioch Road. <br />APprov ed for 0.35 miles, leevia~ 'r, C. 5L at Gates <br />Service Station. <br />Road in Little River To^.mshio rennin- from Ccldwell <br />Road to ~;elnut Grove Church, Annroved 0.5 mi las of <br />this coed, <br />Roed i^ 'riill sboro Tc::n eh+~ rurrdnr fro°.t ighc:a;* No. <br />70 to Decd Hnd, end is known e.s Le};e Shore Drive, <br />Length of roa d'0.3 miles. <br />Roed in C?:znel Hill Toc^ship runninH fror.. i'.. C. 54- <br />Celvender Roed to r?i G:ory Grovc HeP fist Church, and <br />knocm as "ri cko=~ Grove HeP Church Road. Length <br />oP rozd 0.3 miles. <br />Roed in ChePel ~i11 To~_~ashiP, ru^.ning from A.irPOrt <br />Roed, 4iortheest, end i.s ]:nov:n zs 013 R3 dge 3oe d. <br />Length approved 0.3 Hiles. <br />The ro ba ing no _*t:rther bus'_~e ss, unon motion, ecj ourned. <br />Collier Cob u, Jr. <br />Chairman <br />J. Lez+. <br />Clerk <br />I ~~ <br />i:ii autos cf the Hoard of Co,:nissi oners ~~~` <br />