Orange County NC Website
.i~~ <br />Minutes of the Board of Commisioaers <br />-tordey, June 12, 19$0 <br />The Board met at the usual hour in the building norr used as the State <br />Hi ghvray Patrol Office, with all members present. <br />Sheriff S. T. Latta appeared and recue steel that he be given authority to <br />employ en edditlonal deputy for the Southern Wert of Orange County, <br />i <br />Phe remainder of the day was taken un investigating numerous road petition ~~ <br />which had been pre viously filed. <br />After careful consi de reti on and due to the very limited mileage allotted <br />to Orange Co.mty for Herr ro eels, the folloxring ne ti ti ons were enprov eel and <br />ordered sent to the State Higlnrey and Public NJarks Commission forthe it con- <br />sideration: <br />Roed in Chapel H111 Tovmshin running £rom tho Durham- <br />Chepel Hill Highway to the Durham-Chepel H111 nighrray <br />end knorm es bfeadow Drook Drive. Length of road: <br />0,5 mile. <br />Roed in Hillsboro Tormshiprunni rag from Hi gherey No. <br />70A North to beck of A. l7, lien ion property and knorm <br />as the 01d Ceder Grave Ro¢d. Length of coed: 0.5 mile. <br />Roed in Chepel. }Ii11 Tovmship running from Highway Pi o. <br />86 to the 01d Greensboro Road and knorm as Oek Avenue. <br />Length of road: 1700 feet. <br />Roed in Chanel Hill Townshio running from Highway No. <br />54 West to Ple ever Street end Irnovm ¢s Blackwell Avenue, <br />Length of road: 0.1 mile. <br />It was then brought to the flttenti on of the Doard that e petition had been <br />filed by certain citizens of the Tovm of Hillsboro rrho reside on ^_ryon Street <br />between Churton Street (Highway 70A) and the Hillsboro High School asking that <br />said Tryon Street be tureen these points be surfaced to ¢ greater width. <br />Upon motion duly merle by Commissi over Lerrs and seconded by Commissioner <br />t°Jil son, the _"ollowing res olutl on was unanimously ado rated: <br />RESOLI>;•D, That the North Carolina State H1gh•,•ray & Public i i <br />VJorka Commission be, and it is hereby, respectfully re- '-. <br />aue sled to surface to e gre etor width `het part of Tryon <br />Street loc eted betrre en Churton Street (Highway 70A) end <br />the Hillsboro High School for t're reasons set forth in <br />the petition submitted to this Hord. <br />It is further ordered that the said petition, together with a certified <br />cony of this resolution be forwarded to the North Caroline State Highrrey :c <br />Public YJOrks Conmission. <br />There being no further ba sine s, upon motion, ed,journed, <br />Collier Cobb, Jr, <br />----Cha3 rman---^ <br />J. S. Lavrs <br />Clerk <br />h <br />,r <br />r <br />