'~ ~ Minutes of the Board of Commissioners
<br />Monday, May 1, 1950
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, on 1Sonday,
<br />May 1, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock A. ht., in the Commissioners' Room at the Court-
<br />house. Members present ware Collier Cotib, Jr., Chairman, Ben F. Wilson and
<br />R. G. Laws, Cbnmissionars.
<br />The minutes of the April meo tangs were road and approved.
<br />Mrs. Jean fit. Reer, Superintendent of Public Welfare, appeared and recues to ~J
<br />approval of the following change in Aid to Hlind grants:
<br />Fannie Johnson terminated ae of May 1, 1950,
<br />and that Lucille Mecklin grant of X24.00 per month be accepted.
<br />Now, therefore, upon motion of Commisaloner L¢wa, duly aeconded by Commis-
<br />sioner Wilson> the foregoing requests ware unanimously apnroved.
<br />tire. Heor also presented the 1950-51 budget estimate for Old Age Assistano
<br />and Aid to De_endent Children, which show the amount to be raised by the County
<br />as follows:
<br />Old Age Assistance $11,000.00 and Aid to Dependent Children $7,650.00
<br />Now therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissions
<br />Lews, the above estimates were tentatively approved.
<br />Claiborne v. Watson, Jr., of Durham County appeared and requested a free
<br />license to peddle produce in Orange County, due to the fact he was a disabled
<br />war veteran.
<br />Now therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Laws, duly aeconded by Commis-
<br />sioner Vlilson, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: that upon
<br />presentation of proof of his disab ilitiea to the Clerk to this Board, Mr. Watso
<br />1s hereby granted a free license to paddle produce in Orange County, and the
<br />Clerk Se hereby authorized to issue to him said licenso.
<br />Mrs. Tom Cate of Route 2, Chapel H111, North Carolina, appeared and asked
<br />that her son, Strotvd Cate, ~vho is unable to talk, but otherwise able to work,
<br />ba exempted from payment of Poll Taz.
<br />After consulting the County Attorney it was found that due to the fact the ,_.i
<br />Mr. Cate was physically able to work, the law did not permit the exemption of
<br />Poll Tax. -
<br />Don fitathe eon, County Farm Agent and Ed Harnes, Assistant Agent appeared
<br />and reported on their activities. tdr. Matheson eta ted that the tobacco plants
<br />ware doing satisfactory, and that they were doing quite s lot of experimenting
<br />this year, such ae the eliminetion of Vetch in wheat, insects on tobacco and
<br />treating corn land to see iT it could be raised with very little work. Ae also
<br />stated that we have some new type dairy barns and equipment Sn the County.
<br />Mr. Harms reported on 4-H Q.ub activities. Aa stated that 7,8 had already
<br />signed up for Hybred corn demonstrations and that Orange County boys and girls
<br />won most of the pri zoa in the Fat Stock Show held in Durham. Ae reported that
<br />the Salo of hogs at this show avoraged about 2{l per pound above market price. ..
<br />He also reported.that he was experimenting this year on raising hogs by putting
<br />them in a new pasture with no other food except minerals and salt.
<br />7Srs. Kathryn Hamrick, Home Demonstration Agent, appeared and made a very
<br />fine report on the work being done through her offs ca.
<br />Mr. A. K. 1SCAdams, Managsr of the P. M. A. office here and Mr. Aveat, fiel
<br />man for this district appeared and reported on the benefits the farmers were
<br />receiving through their organization. fitr. Avent stated that the office space
<br />they were using was inadequate to do the ,j oh required of them. He stated they
<br />should have 1000 square feet of floor space, where they only have 360 square fe t.
<br />2Sr. Archie R. Davis, Architect, presented plans of the new Negro school
<br />on tderritt Mill Road, at Chapel Hill. Ha stated that the plans had been approv
<br />ad by the Chapel Hill School Hoard. P. T. A, organization and others, but they
<br />felt that they would also like the approval of the Board of County Covmdssloner
<br />The Board did sot study these plans in detail, but felt as they had been
<br />approved by all parties directly interested is the schbolthat~they ware setae- _,
<br />fied with them. ~
<br />IIpon motion of Commissioner 1711 son, duly seconded by Commissioner Laws, I-
<br />the following agreement between the County of Orange and Archie Royal Davis
<br />is hereby unanimously apnroved, and the Chairman of the Hoard is authorized to
<br />sign said agreement.
<br />THIS AGAEEh4ENT made the third day of April in the year Nineteen Hundred
<br />and Fifty by and between the County of Orange in North Carolina at the Court
<br />House in Hillsboro, by the County Commissioners, hereinafter called the Otmer,
<br />and Archie Royal Davis, of Durham & Chapel Hill, North Caroline hereinafter
<br />called the Archi tact, WITNESSETH, that whereas the Owner intends to erect a
<br />Court House Building, in Hillsboro, North Carolina with pertinent facilities,
<br />r'
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