^_ae Cren.-;e Cotmty Eoe.^d o; Coru;assione rs held its ref_•uler meotinn kpril 3,
<br /> 1950, at 10 o~clock n. ?:i„ in the Commissioners' Room et the Courthouse. keem-
<br /> bsrs present there Collier Cobb, Jr., Ch ei rmen, H. C.'Lata and Hen p. Jilson,
<br /> Cn!reai ssi oners.
<br />~~ The minutes o: the tiarc?r mcetin.^s crone reed and =_on.•oved,
<br />(
<br />'~
<br />'" Js.=_n i.L 'eer, Supe ri ntendect o' :'ubl.`.c `+eli ere cape=sed end :ec¢rne .de '.
<br /> .^^--id to E1ind went of Julia ~l sber~ be increased fro!a ^,30.00 io SL0.00 per
<br /> month. Bhe also re cq:nuendad that the ennli tali on n_" Lela Er orrder for Aid to
<br /> Blind be ra jet to d.
<br /> '?or, tae ref ore, upon vti oa of Co.:n'i ssi Deer Levr., dul,r seconded b;, Cor..;ris-
<br /> sioaer '.''il son, a.^.d by e unenimous vote, the ebove re conmeneeli ons rre^e endroved.
<br /> iA rs. iieer nresentad the 19$0-$1 A;d to Blind budget troll nr, for ec eppro-
<br /> nrtation nT(12j 3,36,
<br /> ii oar, ih az'c 5o'e, anon lotion cf Coaa: i.s stoner ".ail son, seconded by Co:mai ssione •
<br /> Lena, ~.~ ebove eonr'opri et7.on ^:es anent mously epnreved,
<br /> Upon moll nn n.: Coma ssi Deer Le%s, dul;r seconded b+• Coe.^:i ss loner .~:'ilson, c..
<br />'~~
<br /> voted unanimocs'_3', Joe i?, Boy:e rd o" 3`1and, '?orl'a Ca rolinr, ;res annoi Hied es e
<br /> acr..b er q' the Bqa;d o' Public ~elfere °nr e torn o_` three ye e.rs, ba^inninr.
<br /> ':aril ~, X950.
<br /> Li. C. Hurt, :Benno term A!;ant mzc?e e brief report on t :•rm'L be in r, cone
<br /> hrquci; his o`_ti ce, and r.- .,_ e^t ce ]cooed in the Herr buildinr, proere:a, he
<br />~
<br /> could be allotted more o; 'i ce
<br />s ne.ce.
<br /> idr. C. - ?icCrcr-, Dist-i. et ~....ensi oa Anent r-pcec r=_d r. r.:l spoke v~r}' h'_,-hly
<br /> of tee n: o!1^ done b'% Don S. :. e.thesga, Co:v.t'.' ?ern ~ _nr, c- ae cems Co Cr en-e
<br />~
<br /> Count;t ;eat;,' .,r more ,,-q ens
<br />eC;o. 'e cr=_di red idr. :~iati.as oa t~ri tlr 'oeinr. instru-
<br /> mental in the progress m=_de by t'd:c Countg since tlret tis:c in del rgin , ,~-,=_nerel
<br /> fermin:; end H. .-.. .4, re also ..t clad. t'!ret ..,_. Bernes, AssistenC Count;;; cant,
<br />'~
<br /> ~
<br />hra 12{; gc as expe ri =_nce c.nd ess d.o ink e van}' :_. ~ nb.
<br /> r :crrar s ~ d tl:ct t+s t~z.r of r ~' .c=_ oz t .s 5200.00 less then
<br /> tnn v a e a o o His dist'lc e-rc .100.00 leers !.r^ tl:e Sceie evcrere and
<br />C : ou ht lis se l..~ shoule oe Snc eGSe d,
<br /> i:L. J. A. Rice pre sentsd. a rozd cetitdon esLinr thet the Stcte '= rhneg esd
<br />~
<br /> Pub11c ':forlt9 Co:nmi scion tel:e over en3
<br />ma;ntain r roeci in Cheeks ^!ovmshin, run-
<br />. nine from Fl al ter ^!hompson's to tine arh HocY; Road r-.nd Imocm es Proposed 3oed ;PO.
<br /> $238. Length of rocd: One i~iile.
<br /> Anon motion of Coac,is loner 1'i lsgn, second_^'. b-' Cem:zi_si oner Lz.rs end un-
<br /> emimouslg voted tact Joseph ?. Bes rfi be pr-.id "$0.00 `or 10 sheen rh i^_'.~ r:e re
<br /> balled 'oy dogs.
<br /> Unga motion of Co:_miss+_oner Lens, seconded b+~ Com_ti ssioacr lrilson snd un-
<br /> 'nir..ously voted tact Currie ^_. Johnson 'oe paid :;29.$0 car $9 2;,, pound tai ckens
<br /> ::hick mere Iti lied bg rings.
<br />Upon moll on, it rres orde rsd the. s the Courthouse emnlo;tees observe 3est er
<br />h.iondev es a le rcl :^.olidsy,
<br />A letter tror. i:i^, C, ! iiun t, bg i±is Attorney, tiictor S. B_s an t, protesting
<br />the lot sti on of t e Her: Che ncl all-Dachas: uoul eve rd as not: propgsed en3 asklnU
<br />tart he be eccorded c ?scant.^.,r, in tae mr tter, rrzs recd end the heu nine denied,
<br />The Board declined to Tile a protest.
<br />Upon motion o_' Com._ls si on_r Leos, dui}' seconded "u-~ Com:=.iss Deer 'l±lson, =.nd
<br />b;~ e unenimous vote, P.r cnie Royal Bevis i_ e~eo~ o ~' c +ta y pp tre
<br />aropossd nec• Courthouse al sn nvarell feeco_ $;.~ofc'~utsl amount .Q~ia~~~dn°°.c!Tt;r:n-.
<br />construction 'A:i ch she11 m - the aeli re approval of ti:e 3ov!'a otCos^i.=. si oncrs.
<br />P. m; proposed coatrects c^1 t1:-Din, Devis'to be appr^cved by the Hoerd oS Co^iuis=
<br />sinne rs,
<br />Apon motion of Co.*.en issioner PHlson, seconded 'oy Cam~r.issioncr Latvs, thet
<br />e.t t=: iavesti~et in. the possibility of purchasing the Le tta Dei rg Euilding ^or
<br />the Hoerd o=' Bdacetion, snd attar irr. Archie Devi s, 4rcai to ct, geve en estimete
<br />~~ es to the cost of remodelin-, it ie :Hereby unanimously srrced tiro it mould not
<br />i be to cbe Uest edvante se of the Countg to purchase said bu ildin ;,
<br />i
<br />The fol'_o:•ring pelts ire re drecei to serve es Jurors at the Ifeg Term of
<br />Suneri or Court:
<br />1. Gerlanc .".tiller ('r.) 9. ..°.oe:er3 °. 311 is or (CY)
<br />2. ':/. 5. "Tni toteen (%no) 10. 'il. %:. Erorrning (CI:_)
<br />3. Shermen Lone (C3) 11, Josoni? Ashl e;7 (C'r.)
<br />L. C. `9. Senders (CY;) 12. Csrl :, B11inGt on (CH)
<br />[ A.. 5. P.llison (C!') 13, i.ieurice T. Lar:e lC:i)
<br />6. Oe orge '.;, Ciidener (CB) 1~. 3leanor S, God`req (C,fi)
<br />~. Roland lit Cl smroca (C"'.) 15. Alon ce t^. i:ealon •(r.)
<br />8. t7inston Creig (Cks) 16.. c. L. ::iurrey (Cis)
<br />