Orange County NC Website
~~`~~ 6tinutes of the Hord of Commissioners <br />}Sondeg, h(arch 20, 1950 <br />The Hoard met at 10:00 o'clock A. Ui. in the buildinc now used e_= Hi ahwag <br />Petrol office. Present: Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman, Hen H. t'filson end H. G. <br />Laws, Commissione rs. <br />This meting was held as a Hoard of H'aualiz ation end Revierv to he er eny ~ <br />complaints of pronertg owners es to their es sessmen ts. '.J <br />There were a few complaints brought to the attention of the Hoard during <br />the morning se sel on. The Hoard spent the of ternoon session studgini the oro- <br />posed plans for the new Courthouse, v+hich plans ere re drawn 6g Mr. Archie Devis. <br />There being no fYirther businas s, upon motion, ed,journed, to meot bieg 8, <br />1956, to hear eny further complaints. <br />Collier Cobb, Jr. <br />Chairman <br />Ire A. Vlard <br />Actin; Clerk <br />r, , <br />