Minutes - 19500306
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19500306
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3~3~ <br />7Alnutes of the Hoard of Commissioners <br />ldonday, h7s rch 6, 1950 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in regular session on hierch 6 <br />, at 10 o'clock A. ht, in the Commissioners' Aoom at the Courthouse, the <br />1 place of meeting. Present: Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman, H. C-. Laws and <br />F. t7ilson, Commissioners. <br />The minutes of the rr^ebruery meeting mere reed and approved. <br />Mrs. Kathryn Hemrickr Home Demonstration Agent, appeared and made a very <br />fine renort on the activities of the several clubs under her supervision. She <br />el so stated that she plans to have a new stove, re tri gerator and other eauin- <br />ment installed in the basement of the Agrlcultare Hui lding in the near future. <br />Mrs. Jean M. Hear, Superintendent of Public tVelfare appeared and reported <br />that Polly Ytrenn, Aid to Blind reciplent, had died, therefore terminating her <br />grant. She also reported that her budget ;res in pretty bad condition, due <br />oarti ally by having to care Tor six children who were deserted by their parents <br />Now, therefore, upon motion of Commi ssionor 7Vilson, duly seconded by Com- <br />missioner Lecrs and voted unanimously that $`250.00 be trensfe grad from the <br />General Salary fund to the L7elfare fund. <br />A delegation from Chapel Hill, consisting of Mayor Edwin S. Lanier, Cerl <br />Smith and Creighton Humphries, aoneared berore the Board and suggested that in <br />renovating the present Courthouse, nothing be done to change the exterior. <br />Also, in planning th_ nevr Courthouse, they honed the Eoard mould see fit to use <br />Colonial Architecture. The Hoard informed these gentlemen that their sugges- <br />tions coincided with their thoughts on these matters and that they were sure <br />there would be no changes on the exterior of the present Courthouse. <br />E. IF.. Lynch, Clerlt Superior Court, submitted his annual renort for the <br />year ending December 31, 1949. <br />On mot lop of Commissioner Vll lson, duly seconded by Commissioner Laws, it <br />was voted unanimously that the County pay not in excess of $100.00 from the <br />Emersency aopropri ation of General Fund for advertising the schedule of rabies <br />vaccinations. <br />A road petition urns ppresented aeking that a road in Chapel Hill Tovmshi n, <br />ruru:inn, from Highway No. 86 to the Old Greensboro Roed and known es Oek Avenue, <br />be taken over and maintained by the State Highway r Public Works Commission. <br />Length of road: 1700 feet. <br />Five other petitions ere re presented asking for vrork to 6e done on present <br />roads and new roads as follows: <br />Cheeks Tovmship, running from Highway No. 70 Northeast to He11's Mill <br />Road and known as the hlcGowans Rosd. Length of road: 3z miles. <br />Widen, rock and straighten. <br />Cheelts Tovmship, running from E. 5. Taylor's mail box to the Efland- <br />Cedar Grove Road, end known as the Fairfield Community Road. Length <br />of road: .9 of a mile. 1'liden and straighten. <br />Checks Township, a new road running from J. S. Gills' on H¢bron Road <br />to Nettie Hradsher's on Huckhorn Road. Length or road: 1.5 miles. <br />Little River & Cedar Grove Townships, anew road running from Caldwell <br />Road to Vlalnut Grove Roed. Length of road: l,' miles. <br />Little fliver Township, running from Highway No. 157 to the Old tdilton <br />Road end knoem as the Harvey Gates Road. Length of toed: 1.7 miles. <br />About .05 of a mile of this road already worked by State. <br />No action was taken on any o£ the above mentioned roads. <br />The Chairmen then brought to the attention of the Hoard that it tuns ad- <br />visable at this time to make recommendations to the North Carolina State High- <br />way & Public Works Commiss lop for the hard-surfacing of certain coeds in Orange <br />County since 111 and thorough investigation had al reedy been made 'oy the mem- <br />bers of the Hoard. <br />After full discussion, upon motion of Commissioner Lev+s, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Wilson, the following resolution eras unanimously adopted: <br />RESOLVED, Thet the Hoard of Commissioners of Orange <br />County does hereby recommend to the North Carolina State <br />High'say & Public Vlorks Commission for herd-surfacing the <br />rural coeds in Orange, County described es follows: <br />From Haw River to Having west of Chapel Hill via <br />Antioch Church 7.2 sS. <br />From Cheelts %-Roads to 8uckhorn 2.2 mi. <br />From Orange Church to old m10 peer University via <br />Blackwood Sta. 7.0 mi. <br />_I <br />J <br />i~ <br />~ '. <br />
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