U6 Y
<br />rjgp hSinutes of the Hoard of Commissioners
<br />Tuesday, September 6, 191-9
<br />The Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, September 6, 1949, in the Com-
<br />missioners' Room at the Courthouse. Present: Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman,
<br />Ben F. '.Jilson and P., G. Lams, Commissioners.
<br />The minutes of the August meetings were read and approved.
<br />A delegation headed by the Rev. Bertha L. Nation appeared and presented
<br />a petition asking that a new road be built leading from U. S. Highway No. 70,
<br />at a noint near Oasis Pilling Station, which is located about 1 mile East of
<br />.,Iebane, and running thence North to and pass the home of Fraudie Hunter.
<br />The following petitions were nresented asking for hardsurface or all -
<br />weather roads:
<br />Mr. Clarence Link presented petition for road leading from
<br />Highway No. 70 to St. Mary's Road, by Duke Power Plant, knowm
<br />as the Pleasant Green Road. Distance: 2.5 miles.
<br />Mr. G. 0. Reitzel nresented petition for road leading from
<br />Highway No. 86 (Hillsboro- Yanceyville Road) to fork in the
<br />Cedar Grove- Efland "Highway. Distance: L.L miles.
<br />Mr. T. M. Riley nresented petition for read leading from
<br />V7alnut Grove Church to Highway No. 57, and known no the
<br />Little River - Walnut Grove Road. Distance: 4.4 miles.
<br />Another petition was presented, askin-, that a new road be
<br />built in Cedar Grove Toamship, leading from the home of
<br />Mr. Allan {lard to the S. T. Latta, Sr. Pam. Distance:
<br />2.5 miles.
<br />All petitions were ordered held for investigation at a later date.
<br />Mrs. Jean M. Hear, Superintendent of Public 'Walfare, appeared and reported
<br />on the work being done through her organization. She also asked that the
<br />Board approve the following changes in Aid to Blind grants:
<br />A decrease in the grant of Matilda Pickett from $37.00 Der
<br />month to ;$`35.00 per month.
<br />An increase in the grant of W. C. Jeffries from 525.00 per
<br />month to $L5.00 per month,
<br />Now:, Therefore, upon motion of Commissioner 7illson, seconded by Commission
<br />_r Lairs, the changes in the foregoing grants are hereby unanimously approved.
<br />Upon notion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Laws, and
<br />voted unanimously that Orange County continue to nay M. C. Hurt's salary for
<br />the months of Sontember and October.
<br />Noon motion of Commissioner Laws, seconded by Commissioner 'Wilson, it was
<br />ordered that J. E. Latta be paid 540.80, for 6 turkeys and 12 laying pullets
<br />killed by dogs,
<br />Commissioner Laws and Mr. Ira A. C3ard, who were appointed at the August
<br />meeting of the Hoard, to investigate the condition of the old County Home Ceme-
<br />tery, reported that the cemetery- needed to be out in cond^tion so that it could
<br />be mowed and keot mowed.
<br />Now, Therefore, upon motion of Commissioner :Jilson, duly seconded and
<br />passed, !,it. 'i +ard and Commissioner Lars are hereby recuested and given authority
<br />to make the necessary arrangements to have the cemetery put in Drover condition
<br />and ke_ot mowed.
<br />A delegation representing the Hillsboro Garden Club appeared, with Rev.
<br />Charles S. Hubbard as spokesman. They asked that no changes be made in the
<br />courthouse building that would keep it from being restored to its original.
<br />The Hoard assured the delegation that any changes made to the courthouse
<br />would be of a minor nature and would not hinder its restoration.
<br />After several months of study by the Hoard, it was generally agreed that
<br />the proposed bond election for $1,250,000.00, or $1,000,000.00 for schools and
<br />5250,000.00 for a courthouse building,be held on November 22, 1949.
<br />The following citizens were appointed by the Board to s_rve as a Steering
<br />Committee for the proposed 3ond Election:
<br />R, 0. Forrest, Chairman d Hillsboro
<br />Bonner D. Sawyer - Hillsboro
<br />L. J. Phipps - Chapel Hill
<br />L. Stainback - Hillsboro
<br />Mrs. R. M. Grumman - Chanel Fill
<br />