<br />Ltl nutes of the Hoard of Commissioners
<br />htanday, December 5, lgl:8
<br />The Soard met at 10:00 o~cloc)c e.m. in the Coswiesione r+s room at the
<br />Courthouse and Smmadia tely proceeded to the office of The Clark of Superior
<br />Court where Cha-:~oaths of'offleb=was adminis tared by E. M. Lynch, Clerk of Hup-
<br />erior Court. to Collier Cobb, Jr., San F. Vlilson and Hubort G. Lnws who had _.
<br />been duly elected County Commissioners for a term of two years. !
<br />I '.
<br />Mr. Cobb was again selected dhairman of the Hoard, after which he Smmedle-
<br />tely called the meeting to order and asked the Olerk to read the minutes of
<br />the previous meeting.
<br />The !,linutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
<br />Upon motion duly made by Commissioner Yfil son, and seconded. by Commiseione
<br />Laws, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
<br />RBHOLVSD, That L. J. Phipna, of Chapel Hill, 1I. C.,be, an•1 he is hereby,
<br />elected and appointed Judge oY the County Recorder+s Court Tor a term of two
<br />years at a salary of 51800.00 par annum, and ghat Jerry B. Stone, Hillsboro,
<br />*f. C., bo, and he is hereby elected an3 appointed as prosecuting Attorney of
<br />said court fcr a tern oT two years at n salary of $1$00.00 per annum.
<br />L1r. Phipps and L1r. Stony warn called in and the oath of office was admin-
<br />istered to thaw by Chairman Cobb.
<br />Upon motion it is hereby ordered that Caswell Training School ba sent
<br />5$.00 as n 8hriatmas dons tl on.
<br />Mr. Don 3. Matheson, County Perm Agont, appeared and made his annual repo t
<br />on >Q the work done through hie office. He stated that although the tobacco
<br />acreage in the county this year was cut from 1g47, that it brought approximet -
<br />ly 52$,000.00 more than the 1g47 crop, and that Mr. J. L. Phelps of Cedar Gro e
<br />To~•mshlp woe first prize Sn the corn contest, his yield being 1,36.4 bushels
<br />per acre.
<br />Mr. Louts Wilson Sparrow of Chanel Hill Township and Mr. Carson Durant
<br />Thomas of Cheeks Township who were elected Cone table of their respective
<br />Townships Sn the last general elect"_on, annoared end were given the oath of
<br />office by Chairman Cobb, after which L1r. Cobb informed them that it would be -I
<br />necessary that each cost a bond of 51,000.00 before assuming his 3utl es, said
<br />bond to 6e approved by the County Attorney. i_
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Laws, duly seconded by Commissioner Milson,
<br />Ira A. lYard is hereby appointed Tax Supervisor for the year lgU.q.
<br />31r. James Viobb, Chairman of the committee appointed at the October meetin
<br />to study the needs of the county, relative to schools, courthouse and other
<br />county buildings, reported that his committee would not bo ready to mako a
<br />report before the February meeting.
<br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Laws, daily ae conded by Comma seioner Wilson,
<br />Graham 'c Eskridge Ss hereby npnointod County Attorney's for a toxan of two
<br />years at an annual compensation of $$00.00.
<br />Upon motion St wns ordered that a blanket money and securities policy
<br />covering the se•~eral offices at the courthouse be purchased.
<br />Upon motion the following applications to rata±l boor in the County wane
<br />Approved:
<br />Raymond J. Stansbury.
<br />Cecil 1.1. Proctor.
<br />Upon motion the following changes were approved in Aid to Hlind Cases:
<br />Lucille Macklin, reduced from .532.00. per month to 527.00 par month. 17, C.
<br />Jeffries, 1.ncreased from 518.00 per month to 52$.00 par month. Charlie '!chit e,
<br />increased from S3$~00 to 543.00 per month. Bart A. Plileon, `ncreased from
<br />S1q.00 to 527.00 per month.
<br />Zn compliance with an Act passed by the 1947 Sass'_on of the Gono ral Asse
<br />bly abolishing the office of Treasurer of Orange County, The Hoard hereby
<br />authorizes Pta tional Surety Corporation to cancel the bond of G. G. Bivins,
<br />effective as of December ~, 1gIx8. _
<br />i_I
<br />(CONTI`7U~D )
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