<br />i:iinutes o_` the 'nerd of Commissl one rs
<br />ttonday, October li, 19h8
<br />The °.oard met at 10:00 o'clock A. 1.?. in the Commis aioners Soon at the
<br />Courthouse: ?resent, Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman, °en F. '.li lson end Hubert
<br />r, Lews, Cosmissioners.
<br />The m?.notes of tho Se otember meeting ware reed and approved.
<br />td rs, Y.e thryn Hamrick, Home Demonstration Artent, enpeared with Miss
<br />Y;. rr; ". nia Cett:.ey, who was recently eppointad, pasi stent Home Demonstration Ag<
<br />for Oren„o Coun ty• ';rs. Kemrick introduced ;dish Cethey to the L".embers of
<br />the 9oerd, who in turn unanimously approved the eopoln tment of 611 ss Cethey
<br />end rri=had her much suoce ss in her new oosi ti on.
<br />A toed petition was presented asking that the State Hi gheray ?c Public
<br />No rks Commission take over end mcintein e. ce rta±n rand in Chapel Hill Tovm-
<br />ship, !moan es Coolidge Street, same being about ono-seventh oP a mile in
<br />len gtkz.
<br />Upon motion, the °oa rd coproved said neti tion and ordered sage sent to
<br />tha Stata Highway < Public :;'arks Commission for their consideration.
<br />".'H 'Ep S, the 5t ate Highway and Public 77o rks Commission has ri.l ed va th
<br />the °oard of Comm?.s si one rs of the Covnty of Ore nP,e a men deli aneted es
<br />Protect 5-351 showing n arooosed relocation of e section of county ro ed; end
<br />;'1HEREA.S, it epoe ors that this relocation is for the best interest of the
<br />toed system of the sa Sd county;
<br />TtOt~, THE9?1POR5, the orooosad change and relocation as shown on the sa'_d
<br />map is hereby approved end retifi ad.
<br />Right of rv¢y Ss 50, ri rht and 50' lert of center line.
<br />p road petition eras nneseated eek_ng the State Highway ?. Public 9orlcs
<br />C ommission to widen and tar and gravel e toed leading from Chapel Hill-
<br />Durham Hi rhvray one-tenth of n mile E¢st of the Chanel Hill city l'mits
<br />around pavie C'_rcle and loooi.nc, back egnin to said Hi rhwny, dis lento baing
<br />one-he1T mile.
<br />In view of instructions received from the 61 ?hway Dopa rtmen t, the Poard
<br />deferred ecti on at this tim=.
<br />The following ap ol'ca tions to retail been in the county, v+ero upon
<br />notion, approved:
<br />Austin 'aa its:
<br />3dvrard N. Mann and PLoes h1. Cheek.
<br />Carl C. Davis, Orange County Tez Collector made e final rsoort on
<br />19L.7 taxes, as follows:
<br />CHp.RGES
<br />O ri gin¢1 Levy X225, 835.78
<br />Collection Orders to date 35z.LS
<br />Panel ties to date 321.11
<br />~dve rtislnr costs to date 2.30
<br />Total .-22 ,~c3,o
<br />CREDIT°
<br />recounts collected to date "213.519.59
<br />Releases to data 36q.60
<br />Lund Sales 8,91u.16
<br />Total Credits 5222,833.35
<br />palance Uncollected (Insolvents) 3 730.29
<br />Total Cradi+;s end 'nla nce 5220, 3.0 .
<br />Uonn motion of Commissioner Laws, 3uly seconded by Commissioner Yti l.son,
<br />the above report is unanimously accepted, subject to the audit of 17. M,
<br />Suss °: Comneny, Certified Public Accountants, end theC the 196.7 tez books
<br />be turned over to Ire A. nerd, Countty Aceount¢nt for further collections.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Y81son, duly seconded by Cosani ssioner L¢zvs,
<br />it is hereby ordered that the 196A tax books be turned over to Carl C. Davis,
<br />Tex Collector, and that he orocead With the collection of se id taxes, es
<br />provided by lflw.
<br />In e ,joint sassion '.v'..th the ?o and of Educn tion the follovN.ng committee
<br />was appointed to study the needs of the county, tale tive to schools,Court-
<br />house and other county buildings: .James l7ebb, Chei rmen, Hillsboro, R. 0. Cor-
<br />bett, Cedar G^ove, 7.eb C. °urton, Cedar Grova,6lrs. C. D. Jonea, Hil Ssbo ro, J.
<br />Lucius °rown, H111sboro,Lemuel R. Cheek, R1, Cha_oe1 Hi11,Cherlie E. Tea r, 9-1,
<br />Chapel HS11, John L. Eflend, Jr.,Eflend, 3symond Andrevrs, Ce rrboro, H.ube rt Rob-
<br />inson, Chapel Hi11, J. °, Johas, Chapel H111, Gordon 9leckzvell, Chapel H111,
<br />Ezra. Clyde ";e lker, R-?, Rougemont ,?ors. 6i. 9. Evans, Chapel Hill, F.. G. Coleman
<br />Sr.,Hillsboro.
<br />I~
<br />There be7 ng no _"ur that Business, upon motion, nd~ourned.
<br />Collier Cobb Jr.
<br />J. 3. Lerrs, Clerk C a rmen
<br />