Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 6/26/2007 <br />MINUTES <br />Joint Meeting of <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />And <br />Chatham County Board of Commissioners <br />May 8, 2007 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met for a Joint Meeting with the Chatham County <br />Board of Commissioners an Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human <br />Services Center in Chapel Hill. N.C. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Carey, Jr., and Commissioners Valerie <br />Foushee, Alice M. Gordon, and Barry Jacobs <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Mike Nelson <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Brian Ferrell <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Laura Blackman, Assistant County Manager <br />Gwen Harvey, and Clerk to the Board Donna S. Baker (All other staff members will be identified <br />appropriately below) <br />CHATHAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Carl E. Thompson, Vice -Chair <br />George Lucier and Commissioners Patrick Barnes, Mike Cross, and Tom Vanderbeck <br />CHATHAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br />CHATHAM COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Charlie Horne <br />TOWN OF PITTSBORO MAYOR: Randolph Voller <br />1. Welcome and Introductions <br />Chair Carey welcomed the Chatham County Commissioners and said that this is the first <br />time they have had a Mayor from Pittsboro to meet with the Orange County Commissioners. He <br />said that the purpose of this meeting is to explore opportunities to work collaboratively on <br />certain issues that are on the agenda tonight. <br />Chatham County Chair Carl Thompson said that this is a meeting that is long overdue. <br />He said this is an important meeting and there are issues that affect both counties. He said he <br />hopes they can build an what is done tonight and establish a working group. <br />Introductions were made. <br />Chair Carey said that were same items included on the agenda that had surfaced in a <br />previous meeting with the Orange County Chair and Vice-Chair and same Chatham County <br />officials. Other items were also added. <br />2. Park Facilities Planning and Use <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that both of the <br />counties have been engaged in conservation projects and Orange County has been aggressive <br />in this effort. Tonight he will be talking about Southern Community Park. The Tawn of Chapel <br />Hill purchased acreage for the park, which is south of Southern Village and very close to the <br />Chatham County line. In 1997 and 2001, Orange County allocated monies toward this park <br />project. A master plan was created in 2004, and there are three soccer fields that are to be a <br />part of this park along with a dog park and other amenities. He said that this park has moved <br />through the various phases and is now getting construction bids, but funds are not available to <br />meet the projected casts for constructing the park as shown. <br />