<br />L'
<br />i
<br />
<br />The Hoard met at 1.0:00 o'clock A. M. Sn the Commis ei oner's Room at the
<br />Courthouse. Present: Coll Ser Cobb, Jr., Chairman, and Hen F. Wilson and H. G.
<br />Laws, Commissionsra.
<br />This was an adfourned meeting held for the purpose of anorovinq the 1948-
<br />1949 budget.
<br />Mr. McAdams, Vocation Agriculture Teacher, in charge of cannery et the Whi
<br />Cross School, appeared and stated that the equipment was not adeouate for the
<br />volwne of canning they were doing. Ae stated the cost of needed enufpme nt plus
<br />inetallati on would be around $1000.00. No action was taken.
<br />Mr. Currg Roberta appeared in co nne ctlon with raneirs to Courthouse tower.
<br />He was authorized to qo ahead with the repairs on a cost plus 10~ basis.
<br />Bpon mots nn of ConmtS ss loner Wilson, duly socondad by Commissioner Laws,
<br />and all membsre voting$ in the affi rmntive, the following resolution levying
<br />texas for the year 19f}8-1949 is adopted.
<br />On ench poll the sum of Qv2.00
<br />On each female dog the sum of k2.00
<br />On each male dog the sum of 1.00
<br />For General County Purposes the sum of .119
<br />For Public Heel th Purposes .038
<br />For Superior Courts and Jeil the sum of 032
<br />For Public 1Yelfere So rvice tho sum of :
<br />144.5
<br />Pon Gena rnl. County Debt Service the sum of .118
<br />For School Current Expense the sum of 073
<br />For School Ceoi tai Outlay the avm of .
<br />> 2
<br />For gchool Debt Service the sum of ~h". ,065
<br />The above making a county wide total rate of $ .85 on the each ~p100.00
<br />valuation of property.
<br />In addition to the above levies, the maximum amounts of taxes allowed to
<br />be levied under Schedule B of the Revenue Act of 1939, as emended, are hereby
<br />levied. The County Tax Collector is hereby authorized and ins tructad to col-
<br />lect the mnximum taxes as provided by said State Revenue Act.
<br />On motion of Commissioner Lawa, seconded by Commisei oner 4Nil.son, and ell
<br />mamba re of the Board voting in the of fi rmatlver the following resolution cover-
<br />ing appropriations for the fiscal yoar 1948-1949 is adopted, to-wit:
<br />That Orange County appropriate for its budget for the fiscal year begln~-
<br />ning July 1, 1948, and ending Juna 30, 1949, the following amounts, to-wit:
<br />For General County Fund the sum of $ 36,135.00
<br />For Public Health Fund the awn of $ 10,000.00
<br />For Superior Courts and Jail the sum of ~ 8,350.00
<br />For Recorder's Court Fund the awn of ~ 4,200.00
<br />For Salnry Fund the swn of ~ 35,76$,00
<br />For Public Welfare Fund the sum of $ 43,921.00
<br />For County Debt Service the sum of 30,705.00
<br />For School Currant Expanse the sum of 65,013.00
<br />For School Cap Stal Outlay the sum of 68,612.59
<br />Por School Debt Service the sum of ~ 18,320.00
<br />TOTAL S 316,821.59
<br />That the above appropriation to the Salary Fund of 535,76$.00 ie derived
<br />by using an unencumbered balance of 3~2, 390.96 and other revenues such as commie
<br />atone and fees to the amount of $16,211.00 wl th an npproprie tlon from the Gener
<br />County Fund of x`17,163,04 which amount ie necessnry to raise the total needed
<br />for county sal arias, This approprintion of X17, 163.04 is hereby specifically
<br />trap afarred from the General County Fund Revenue to the Salary Fund, end said
<br />amount Se in addition to the ~a36,135.00 which appears in the above described
<br />budget under the head of General County Fund.
<br />That in the above flppropriationa for school a, ae will be eh own in detail
<br />by reference to School 8udvet stetemen to which have been filed by Orange County
<br />Board of Education, and which have been approved by this Board, it Ss de termina~
<br />that Chapel Hill. Special Charter District shall receive under the hand of Curre;
<br />Expense the sum of $10,808.00 and under the hand of Capi tnl Outlay the sum of
<br />525,29G.62.
<br />That under the hand of Vielfera in the above adopted budget the total app
<br />prints oa by Orange County amounts to $43,921.00, which amount ndded to tte fu
<br />to ba made available by the Federal Government and the State of North Carol In
<br />Sn the amount of $123,900.00 will malca a total Welfare Budget of x`167,821.00.
<br />Minutes of the Board of Coamis stoners 2U
<br />Nedneaday, August 4, 1948
<br />