Minutes - 19480802
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19480802
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2~v <br />Minutes of the Aoard of Commissioners <br />Monday, August 2, 1948 <br />The Roerd met et 10:00 o'clock A. 1d. in the Commissioner's Room at the <br />Courthouse: Present, Callisr Cobb, Jr., Chairmen, Ben P. V~11 son and A. G. <br />Laws, Commissioners. <br />The minutes of the July meetings were read and approved. ^~ <br />I ~ <br />Don S, Matheson, County Farm ARent appeared and reported on the farming -- <br />conditions in the County. He report ad that the crops in general were normal <br />or above, the tobacco crop was good, the dairy farmers were doing a fine <br />,job, ei Rhty of them selling grade"A" milk and that they were working to <br />increase this number, he stated that twenty temporary silos would probably <br />be built this year, He also report ed that the income from poultry for the <br />year would be around one-hell million doll¢rs. <br />Mrs. Kathryn Hamrick, Home Demonstration Ageht appeared and reported on <br />the work being done through her office, She stated that the ra ware twenty <br />five or thirty new or remodeled kitchens in the county which was the result <br />of a conta et. She oleo stated that with the assistance of Mr. Rarnea, Aesiata <br />nt County Agent, she had been holding a pressure cooker clynic, at which <br />they tested and repaired a number of pressure cookers. <br />IIpon motion it was ordered that Reid Roberta be paid FIFTY AND 25/100 <br />DOLLARS for 67 white leghorn psslle to killed by doge. <br />IIpon motion the following applications to retail beer in the County <br />were aooro ved: <br />David Alston. <br />Raiford Victor Turner. <br />A.letter from Mr. W. F. Burton, State Records Officer, w¢s read, asking <br />permission from the Board to remove from the third story of the County Jail <br />and carry to the State Department of Archives ¢nd History some old records, <br />conaieting of Superior Court Executions, Inventories of Estates, Index to <br />Courts, County Trastees Reports and one box of unassorted materlal.Zn this <br />letter Mr. Burton gives the governing body of mange County nermisa ion from <br />the Department of .4 rchSves and Rlstory to de=troy the remainder of said <br />records that have been stored Sn the Jeil far a number of years. _ <br />i <br />NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Commissioner Wilson, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Laws, Mr. V7. F. Rurton, Ste to Records Officer, is hereby Rranted _ <br />permission to remove such records es 1, is tad above from the County Jail and <br />take them to the State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, `]. C. <br />for any historic value they may have. <br />Robert B: Y.osssa, Jr. presented copy of Honorable Discharge end Dieab it Sty <br />Form from the ire terans P.dministrat ion showing service connected disability <br />and arked that he be exempt from further listing and payment of Po11 Tax. <br />NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Commis aioner Laws, duly seconded by Commis- <br />sioner i'111 son, Robert R. House, Jr. ie hereby exempt from further listing or <br />payment of poll tax so long as present disability axis ta. <br />There being no further business, to come before the Hoard at-this timer <br />coon motion, adJeurned to meat again at 10:00 o'clock A. id„ August 4, 1948• <br />Collier Cobb. Jr. <br />J. E. Laws Chairmen <br />Clerk <br />
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