Orange County NC Website
<br />The Roe rd met at 8 o'clock P, ~"., i.n the Coaani ssionar's Room at the <br />Courthouse. Present: Collier Cobb Sr „ Chairmen, 9en F. Plil son and H, G. <br />Laws, Comm i.s sippers. <br />This wesan adjourned seating held for the purpose of giving c¢re- <br />ful consideration to the budget estimates of the various county denart- <br />ments which were submitted to the Roerd at en edfourned regal er meeting <br />on July 6, 191:8. <br />Dnon motion of Commissioner 1Ni lson, duly secondod by Comm issloner <br />L¢vrs, the toll orving resolution was unanimously adopted. <br />That where¢s this 3oerd has discussed the fiscal budget for the <br />year 19kA-49 and has aw,reed upon tantet ive figures in said budget, but <br />final adoptl on thereofhea been postponed until the next re puler meeting <br />in August, or at en adjourned meeting set by the 3oerd, in order that <br />said tentative budget may be duly published and a copy therof be filed <br />in the Office of the Aegis ter of Deeds for public insne ction. <br />t7hereas, it is ne cessery and proper that fixed salaries, principal <br />end interest of indebtedness, sta tad comoenseti on of o?'__*icers and enrol ogees, <br />and usual ordin¢ry expenses of the county end its subdlvisi ons may be <br />promptly paid: <br />^?ow, the retore, it is hereby ordered that the following interim <br />e_onro_ariations be made: <br />To the General Fund u2, 000.00 <br />To Public F9el tare ?Fund 20,000,00 <br />To Selarq Fund 6,000.00 <br />To Courts -c sail 1}00.00 <br />To School Fund 1_,000.00 <br />To Recorders Court Fund 700,00 <br />The County Accountant is euthorS zed end directed to pay current ordinery <br />=-xpenses against the funds above listed not exceeding the amounts of the <br />a xnropriations hereby made. Said expropriations made by this resolution <br />shall be chargeable to the several epnropriations respectively hereafter <br />made in the annual appronri¢tions resolution and adoption of annual budget <br />for the year 1948-4q, v+h7 ch :viii be done at the regular P.uaust meetinG of <br />the 3oerd, or et an adjourned meeting set by the Roard. <br />4pon-motl on of Co~isei over Lawe,-duly eeconded by Commie eioner V81eon <br />it is hereby ordered that a Rabi ea Inspector ba appointed for Orange <br />County. Tha maximum fee to be collected by said Inspector is hereby set <br />at ONE DOLLAR par dog vaccinated, including vaccine. <br />There being no further buainees, upon motion, adjourned, <br />Collier Cobb. Sr. <br />J. E. Laws Chairman <br />Clerk <br /> <br />