<br />1.91nutes of the °_oerd of Commis=loners
<br />Tuesday, July 5, 19L.8
<br />The Board met at 10 o'clock P. 1". in the Commissioner's Room et the
<br />Courthouse, Present; Collier Cobb, Jr., Chai nnan, Ben F. SJil eon and Hubert
<br />G. Laws, Commiarionere.
<br />The minute= of the June meetin¢ was read and approved.
<br />L9r. J. A. tYill isms end tdr. Teague of The University of ??orth Carolina
<br />an_neered end asked that the following resolution be passed.
<br />PIHF,REAS, the Universi Ey of North Carolina, entered into a contract dated
<br />February 26, 1946, with the United Ste ter of America, acting through the
<br />Federal Pn511c Housing Authority, whereby the FPAA eareed to furnish to the
<br />University of North Carolina certain dwelling units Tor the use ~ofave taran
<br />students and others, in ecc ordance with the terms of said contract; end
<br />'rJHEREP.S, the Congress of the United 5tetes, by H.R. 5710, Section 505,
<br />has provided for e transfer of such d•.va111ng units to the educational 7nst1-
<br />tutions which have received thew, under certain condi bona, one of which is
<br />that the request of the institution for e transfer of said dwelling units
<br />must be supported by ¢ resolution of the governins 'oody of the municipal Sty
<br />or county he ving jurisdiction in the area speclf icelly approving the waiver
<br />of the requirements of Section 31'. of the Lanham Act; end
<br />!'IHERE95, the dwelling units made available to the Ua?varsity of 4lorth
<br />Carolina are located in Orange County, North Ce•o11ne, outside the limits of
<br />any municio¢lities, thereby making the 3oard of County Commissioners of
<br />Orange County, North Carolina, the Governing body having Jurisdiction in the
<br />area;
<br />NO'+7, ^_HEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of
<br />Orange County, North barollna, does hereby approve the waiver of the require-
<br />ments o,^ Section 319 of the Lenhem Act by the United States of America in
<br />connection :a th the dwellin2_ units provided for the University of North Car-
<br />oline by said United States by reason of Federal ?ubl is Housing Project No.
<br />NC-V-31105 (Contract Fo. HP. (v-3ue51.
<br />Ltr, Vlordie r'i tzgerald, Orange County Fire tVerden eppeaH d"end reported
<br />on the work that was being done through his orceni zetion, /e~so pre rented
<br />his proposed 191iR-191!9 budget, which called for the same appropriation ¢s
<br />last year.
<br />'"he Boe rd of Walfere appeared and diecu=red their Budget meads for
<br />1918-]9t~9•
<br />The following epplice bons to rat ail bear in the County, were, upon
<br />motion, approved:
<br />Maria tderritt end P.nnie Neville.
<br />The County Aoer3 of 3ducation apnea red and 31sc•~~s red their budget needs
<br />for the 191!8-1949 fiscal yesr.
<br />Dr. !:'. G. Chrismen ¢gpeared and `a'_ked with reference to the appointment
<br />of a Rabies Inspector ror the r, ounty, !-e =te `„q '- he tho•.na!-a Sf this eras
<br />done it would „et several thous end more dbgs vaccinated end alsd get them
<br />listed for taxes.
<br />Dr. Chrismen stated that he reould acceot an appointment as Rabies Inspect
<br />if the County would pay him ONE HU`iDRED DOiLARS oar month, plus expenses, 410
<br />e coon was taken by the Boe rd.
<br />A. road petition was presented, e=_king that a paw road be built ]n Cedar
<br />Grove Tormsh!p, beginning ne er The Fa to Daniel home place on the road leading
<br />P orterfield's old store place and Laws' old =tore place and running in an
<br />Ea sterly direction leading out to the Lat ta's Grove Church, approximately
<br />one end one-half miles,
<br />Pcti^.n was deferred unt71 ale ter date.
<br />E. C. Liner enoaered end stated that his mil ch cow died from rabies, whic
<br />eras evidently caused from tho bite of e rabid dog, and asked that the county
<br />reimburse him for his loss.
<br />IInon motion, St ivas ordered that h9r. Liner be paid the sum of FIFTY
<br />DOLLARS for the loss of his cow.
<br />The foil orelnq names were draNa Ito serve as Jurors et the August term
<br />of Superior Court:
<br />CO49TrptUED ON NEXT PP GE.
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