The Hoard met at 10;00 o'clock, A. 1d, in the Comma sal oner'e Room at
<br /> the Courthouse; Present, Collier Cobb, Tr, Chairman, Ben F. Nilson and
<br /> Hubert G, Lawe, Comma ssioner'e.
<br /> The d'Snutee of the 7darch Lies tinge were read and approved.
<br />~-_~ Lir. W, H. Wrenn of-the Cedar Grove community presented a road petition
<br /> asking that a road be built leaning DPP from the road that tans Yrom High-
<br /> way No. 66 to Lir. Hen aley's, in a Northeasterly direoti.oa by the farm oP
<br /> Nr. W, H. Wrenn and connecting vd th the Shad that leans from Coy'Compton*e
<br /> Lo. Junius Allen Farm. Road would be about one and one quarter mi lee in length.
<br /> they would make an investigation of ~thie
<br />The Board informed L4, Wre~n
<br />/
<br /> ~
<br />t
<br />road at an early date.
<br /> Lir. Tom Eaton presented a road petition asking that a road be built from
<br /> a point near David Torlan'e re si dense to a point Sn the present road near
<br /> Floyd Truitt'e rasa denoe, a dl stance of approximately two and one-half miles.
<br /> Action was deferred until the Board can make an investigation of said
<br /> road.
<br /> A road petition was presented asking that the State take over and main-
<br /> tain a road in or near the Village of EPland, beginning at the Railroad and
<br /> oontiaving by the colored elementary sohsol through to old LtoDade tract. Al eo
<br /> beginning at the colored Bapti at Church on Oak Street, contl nuing to Highway
<br /> No. 70 on acro ee the road to Norward Tannin, Ora Shanklin end others and 'Deck
<br /> to Highway No. 70,
<br /> Action was deferred until an investigation can be made.
<br />- tdr. E. P. Barnes, Asei atant County Agent, appeared and asked for a two
<br /> year leave of absence Yrom hie data ee ee Assi slant County Agent, eo that he
<br /> might accept t>~ po el lion oP Agrlcul lure Engineer wi Uh the~0ecppatlon Foroee
<br /> of Japes.
<br /> Upon motion, the Hoard granted L4. Harnes a two year leave of absenoe
<br /> Por the above purpo ee.
<br /> A large delegation headed by Lir, J, L, Sco tton appeared and asked that
<br />
<br />^ the road leading Prom Carr glare through by Hr. J. E. Dixon's Farm, connecting
<br />'
<br />'' with the Mebane-4orbett Aoad beyond Lyn chs' Store be hardsurfaced or made
<br />~
<br />, an e11-weather road, The Hoard informed them that they did not think it pos-
<br />, sl ble to get this road hard surfaced at this time, but they would take the
<br /> matter up with the Highway Den¢rtment and see if something oould 'oe done to
<br /> put the road in better Donna lion.
<br /> Upon motion, the Hoard recommended the appointment of Wordie Fitzgerald
<br /> as County Forest Warden,
<br /> The Board of Nelfare appeared end presented estimates of their 1g4B-
<br /> 1949 budget, Upon motion, the Board tentatively approved the Welfare budget
<br /> as presented. ,
<br /> Upon motion, The Board approved the payment of the following billet Por
<br /> guarding idatthew Jones at Duke Hospital;
<br /> D, 1d, Elliot t, 72 hrs. ®62.5$ $45,00
<br /> Fred Lawe 60 ~~ ® 62.5>~ 37.50
<br /> TITLE
<br /> '~ An Ordinance Yor safeguarding life and property by regulating and provid-
<br /> ing Por the inspection oY electrical wi rln g, de vi ce e, appll anees and eouipment;
<br /> creating the oPfioe of Electrical Zn spec for and pre seribSng his authority and
<br /> dude e.
<br /> The Board of Commissioners cf Orange County ordains sa follows:
<br /> There Se hereby created the offices of two County Electrical In apectore,
<br /> whose duty aha11 be to enforoe all State and local lawn governing electrical
<br /> Sn etallatlone and materials, to issue permits for end to make in epee bone oY
<br /> sll new electrical in etallations and such other inspe etions ae may be pre-
<br />. r-
<br />I i scribed by the County Comma esl oners. Each of such inspectors shell make s
<br />monthly report to the County Commissioners, or their authorized agent, of all
<br />Il in epectione made and fees collected and shall keep a permanent record thereof
<br /> and eu ch other records as may be prescribed by the County Commie stone re. The
<br /> salary, or Pees, to be paid to the Electrical In epectors shall be determined
<br /> oy the County Comma ssionere. The County Comma eeionere shall determine the
<br /> territory oP each in epeo to r, and each inspector shall have equal duties and
<br /> re spon aibili ti ee in their re epecti ve terM tortes.
<br /> The electrical inspectors eh ei.l have the right during reasonable hours
<br /> (CONTIN[IED)
<br />