Orange County NC Website
~(Z 7ainu tea oP the Hoard of Commie slonere <br />1:SOnday, Gtarch 22, 194g <br />The Board met at 10;00 o~clook A. M, in the Commiseioner9 Room at the <br />Courthouse, Pre een t, Collier Cobb, Jr., Chairman, Ben F. Nilson and Bnbert-6. <br />Laws, Commis eioner e. <br />This meeting was a continuation Prom iSarch 15th, to hear any Purther <br />complaints Prom property owners ae to their tax ae ee ssment e. <br />The Board spent the entire day hearing a Pew complaints and di scve <br />other matters. <br />Upoa motion, adjourned, <br />Collier Cobb Jr. <br />Ira A. Nard C airman <br />Ac Sng C er <br />