<br />r
<br />Ili nU tBS of C.^.9 ~Ot:.^CI Of ~nCd'.iE51CnCrs
<br />F.pn^a$, ebrl3H ry 2, 1oG8
<br />1f?9 EO¢rd met 8t 1G:CO o'C10 Cif 1!. . in tl':e G09!T.13Hipnere 1?opm
<br />ct the Courthouse: ?resort, Cc 11 isr Cobb, Jr., Ch¢irnien, yen i>. '.`ii is on
<br />end Itubert^:. Laws, Cemrr,issioners,
<br />'Y.e minute<_ f the Jenu ary meetings e:ers reed end eppr oved.
<br />- ull_n presented e reed petition as klnc th et e road be
<br />bui lit, le giving s state road between Suc':fhorn and 3'olaes' Storo end
<br />^o in ¢ Southwesterly direction f•or aopr oximets ly tnree miles, end
<br />ccnnect ra tY.. 9obr on St¢ta Road which goes South fror_ Cld P1o, 10
<br />iiiy-hwey,
<br />Loon motion of Con:missionsr Lnvs, duly seconde6 by Com::.issicner
<br />"'i loon, the follcwing resolution c;es unanimously adopted:
<br /> :iSCL V?~, That the 3oerd of Cor.~ndssionars of Crenge Count y does
<br />hereby pa tition the 72or tY. Caroline Sta te Eighwey 5 Public i'!or ks
<br />Ccmr.:issi on to herds urface and ?ave roa ds in Crango Ccunty as full owe:
<br /> Sped le¢6i ng fron Jo!; n ::ay (ord o f px•essnt pavement) to
<br /> STelnut ^:r ova Chur eh, e distance of 2,1 miles,
<br /> 3o ad from Sf lend tc ? ei^fiol.d C1-:er ch, e distance of v,l
<br /> miles.
<br /> Road Stan end of ?ra= ant pe vem ent tov:ard Lames cue Church , e
<br /> die tance of 1, e5 mile s.
<br /> Road from end of nrss ent oa ve m eat tov:ard fntioch Church, ^_
<br /> die tsnce of 1, E5 mile s.
<br /> That tho srid 73oard cf Commissi oners does hereby request that
<br />the roads as ebo ve describ ed bs paved oY herdsurf Iced bof ore tYs
<br />'r.erus refacing of any otY.er road or roads in Gr an Se County.
<br /> The following names we re drawn to serve es ,7ru•ors et tha is er ch
<br />ten r~ of Super for Court:
<br />1. Lindsey t. Lloyd 'b. 23• d. E. Saylor Clfs.
<br />2 Settle Cr ac;f ord 25. homer R, 4anp C. €.
<br />3, 0. i Coal: Sno 25. i'!, 3. Coler..an ffo.
<br />?, C 5. yes C.P 2E. TOIIi Tatc 5,
<br />S, ::?a my T'e is 0.G. 27. Strorrd Long 3
<br />E. i;e 1.1 as E. 3r oolfs C.G. e^8. Sr rant Ya to ,
<br />t
<br />7. T. 51 el~:e ly Eno 29, ^iggsbee .Too
<br />S, Li lliem i,c Clollend ?lun t(L.R,) SU, i2r s. Gbie Dev is C. F..
<br />8, H. L:. f.ndsrson 0. .. 51. C R. S.iller Eno
<br />1G. C. L. 2; rd C.G. 52. C. '.. Stenf ord
<br />11, S., C, Cooper, Sr. 3, 55. L, J. Clivsr C.
<br />~
<br />1.2 U. "tart ish Eno 3B, li. Riley L. ,
<br />lv. Sidney ^-x^e en 'r?b, 55. David Sob inson L.. 3.
<br />14. Chester T. T'nomns on
<br />~ Cks. v6. J L Sober is C. ^.
<br />15. Dickey
<br />Icnnie ?° Eb. vi. Sordon knderson C. G.
<br />16. John A. rsrker C G 50. klbart Poe 0-, E.
<br />17, R. D. i?osc oo H. v9. Fio nr~g T. Robinson L. 3.
<br />18. Jule C. Lcng ...
<br />r 40. .. Smith Clis.
<br />19. 3eb in L:. frit Hems iPp. 41. I. P. Co11Sns C. II.
<br />20. ?, L, ".'i is on C. ^ ~2. Beatrice ?'~ms to ad Soo
<br />21, Sherman E. Long C. G. S5. Lloyd T. Fo yldns L. 1.
<br />22, fi. L~. Fcvasr C. ... ?S. D. Curtis 'phew °b.
<br />There be log nc fu that 'pus loess, upon motion, ed,jour ne d,
<br />Collier Cobb, Jr.
<br />- _r., rae;s Chairman
<br />Clerk
<br />