Orange County NC Website
Ali-ji;1 <br />tiinutes of tre Hoard of Commissioners <br />i.:onday, January lg, 1948 <br />The Hoard met et 10:00 o~clook 9. 1:1, 1n the Commissioners Room <br />at the Covrthou ea: Present, Co 111er Cobb, Sr., Cnai rman, Hen F. <br />flilson and Hubert G, Law e, Comml ssl .n ers. <br />i<r, T, A, Hurton, Division Engineer for etate Highway and <br />Public :7orka Commission met wl th the Hoard and discussed the general <br />road situation in the county, ivi th perti cular reference to hard <br />surfacing of county roads during the coming year, <br />Upan recommendation of t1r e. Sean !1, Heer, Superintendent of <br />Psi blic iVelfare, the Hoard approved an increase in the Brent of <br />Jessie Pratt, an eid to blind case, from $18.00 to $45,00 per <br />month. <br />The Ho and spent the 'oelance of the day in ve stl gating complaints <br />on property re valuetion s. <br />There being no further business, upon ma tion, adjourn ed. <br />Collier Cob'o, Jr, <br />J. S. Lewe a rman <br />ers <br />