Orange County NC Website
:. i'3 <br />.._.....9s of the Bc erd o3 Ccr-z iss io Hers <br />"c rd ey, ;;o vambar 3, .9g7 <br />?hs Board mot at the usual hour in the Commissioner+s Seem et the <br />Courthouse: ?resent, Collier Cobb, Jr., rheirmen, 2e.^. P. :'31s on snd ?ubert <br />. Lees, Commiss inners. <br />The minutes of the October meeting was reed snd ep prove d. <br />Gon S. 1:e thes on, Count;,; :'arm Agent and °d ? Har Has, nss is tent germ <br />agent a?pe er sd and raper tad on the gene rel farming conditions in the <br />=ounty. 'r.!r, !5e then on stated there had been very li ttla a:hs et planted due <br />to rain. iEr. Barnes stated that the fishy- calf show ¢t the Stets Fe1r was <br />very ellCCe39fll1, Orsnge County boys bring~_ng away c blue ribbons and ¢ <br />rmaber of red end whi to ribbons. <br />L`r. !';e lter^.-. l4renn, ~i9 t9 runs Service Gfiicer for the county e?oe ared <br />and raoor tad that veterans desiring loans to build cr buy homes cc uld obteir <br />these loans t!u'ough Durham Bsnlc ~- Trust Company, 'r illsbor o, ~, C. or ihrougt <br />The Sidelity B¢Np Durham, A', C. <br />rlerenca E 'rlnes, Or engo County Fire ',tar de n, appeared end stated <br />that the fire tev+er on Occoneachee `!nun twin had been comole to d, but that 1t <br />•,vould orob¢bly be Fe bru¢ry before they could obtain personnel to ope re ie <br />same, °e ¢lso stated that he w¢s planning to have et least tan L:eputy List- <br />Mct >ire :'ier de ns stationed in different sections of the taunt y. <br />Ooon mo t_on of ^_ommiss rover ';tils on, seconded by r, or„m+_ss loner La~.vs, ^•ls nn <br />Auman was granted ?zIRTv rr~~ DCS.LAHS for iour turkey Fs ns and three gobbler <br />killed by dogs. <br />A oolic eti on of John J. Cale to beef in Grange County, c,as, noon <br />motion.eocro ve d. <br />h9 following names e+e re drawn to serve es ,jurors ¢t trte December tarm <br />of Sunerlor Court: <br />1. Jack L. Sni oas <br />2 Cur is Sus iin <br />3. H. C. Aa ithc ock <br />4. Lacy Zinnix <br />5. F:elter ~!, Jordan <br />b. James J. :d'1111¢ms <br />7. Tom 3aldwin <br />8. Serbsrt .°., 3redshaw <br />9. Clarence Ferrell <br />10~ J. C. Lloyd <br />12. B - F~i tch <br />13. icy Pope <br />1a, ~i111sm ?:;, pctts <br />15. iSamP A. Lloyd <br />lc. ^tal ter Carter <br />17. 4ordon Couch <br />12. i?'. Jim Sm± th <br />lp. :9rC y'J, :ii=gs bee <br />20. 9, B, Vaughan <br />Hb. 21. Jemee H TriPP C. ?. <br />''b. 22. ,' F. Cheek C.N. <br />?no 23. Lonnie Has tangs °.b. <br />B. 2?. Cda Terrell Cks. <br />B. 25. James ;:!, Caklsy Pb. <br /> <br />3. 27. P ?i =itch C,G, <br />B. 2d. ?, A. Brady °no <br />Cks. 29. ?. L. c~C ClllloCiC C !•. <br />C.'r.. 30. Jule Allan r, ,, <br /> <br />C,°. 32, D9lonie ;t,i ncey L,R. <br />C.G. 33. ?eb C, Sur ton C.G. <br />C.3*, 3B. George ';~ '"e er 'pb. <br /> 35. J, °.. Cmanc it C,u, <br />Cks. ~36, C ,. :', Cr ¢•nford, Jr, C,°, <br />fine 37. L. I. 5rez ton C,H, <br />Eno 38. L, -, Cox gno <br />C.H. 39. 3liz abeth °_r¢ns on C. ~, <br />C.=. S0. John ?eyl or 3l vins -"b. <br />There being no further business, a?on motion, sd jour ned to meet again <br />November 13, 1947. <br />Collier Cobb, Jr. <br />J. ~, Laws Chairman <br />~. 9~C <br />