<br />}dinutes of the Board of Commiss ions ra
<br />flood ay, October 6, 1947
<br />The Hoard met at the usual hour in the Consniss ionar's Room ¢t the
<br />Courthouse, present Collier Cobb, Jr„ Chairman, Hon F. Y/ils un and
<br />Eubert G. Laws, Comn~issioae ra.
<br />The minutes of the September meeting were;re edcand approved.
<br />i
<br />~- }Ar. H. G. Coleman and yr. 0. S. Roberta on of American Legion Post
<br />Ito. B5, Hillsboro, iv. C. apps seed and urged the appointment of ¢ Veterans
<br />Service Officer to fill the vac¢ncy existing since the res ignetion of
<br />?,1r. Alonzo W. Aenion.
<br />I/m. Be dd Sngfie ld reprasentetive oS the North Carolina Ve is eons Com-
<br />mission also appeared and stated his viavrs on the needs for s Service
<br />Officer in the county.
<br />Now The reforer uPOn motion of Commissioner Wilson, duly seconded by
<br />Commis ionar Lawa, }Ar. Walter G. flrenn is hereby appointed Ve terana Ser-
<br />vica/~e Orange County ¢t a celery of OISL' F.UNDRED rIFTY DOLLARS per month,
<br />said appointment affective November 1, 1947.
<br />M1trs. Kathryn F. "emrlck, Rome Demonstration Agent appeared and reported
<br />on the v:ork done through her ofi'i ce for the past two months.
<br />},yr. Don 5. 1,7athee on, County Farm Agent sops eyed end reported on the
<br />general Seeming conditions in the county. Ae stated that ha eras making
<br />every effort to got the farmers to partic lpete in a temporary posture
<br />program, also to get all dairyman xho were ope re ting other than grade A
<br />dairies to change over to grade A. Aa stated this chnnge would cost a
<br />dairymen ¢bout x1350.00 ,or ovlded he does hie own work, otherwise, around
<br />43ooD.oo.
<br />The Toll owing road petitions were upon motion, approved.
<br />A certain road known as Greenwood Road,
<br />which extends from Highway No. 54 to the
<br />home of Lir. Paul Green, said road being
<br />about one mile in length.
<br />~ :raveling of a certain unnamed road situ¢ted
<br />i approximately three miles spat of Chnpel Hill,
<br />- and running north from Aighway No. 15, at or
<br />in front oS property ovrned by tA. R. Vickers and
<br />to the side oS the property formerly known ee
<br />Afe rritt's Esso Service Station.
<br />Bill of },4r. and Nrs. P. E. Johns vn for 23 hens killed by dogs wee,
<br />upon motion, approved for hR20.70.
<br />Carl C. Davis, Orange County Tax Collector made a final report on
<br />1946 taxes, as follows:
<br />Original Levy x176,701.32
<br />Collection Orders to September 30 574.76
<br />Ponaltiea to September 30 653.39
<br />Advertising Costs to September 30 55.30
<br />Total ,`7 76, 84.77
<br />Accounts Collected to September 30 ?167,862.97
<br />Re le ¢aea to September 30 70.84
<br />Lend Sales 4,976.04
<br />Totnl Credits $172,959.83
<br />Balance IIncollected 4,074.92
<br />Total Credits and Balance $176,984.77
<br />U oon motion of Commissioner Lawe, duly seconded by Commies loner
<br />Wilson, the above report Sa unanimously acts ptad, sub Je ct to the audit of
<br />W. M. Ruse ?: Cemoany, Ce rtitied Public Accountants, and th¢t the 1946 t¢x
<br />be oka be turned over to Ira A. Ward, County Accountant for further collec-
<br />tions.
<br />~ - IIpon motion of Commissioner l7i le on, duly seconded by Commissioner Lawa,
<br />it 1s hereby ordered that the 1947 tax books be turned over to Carl C. Davis,
<br />5~1 Tax Collector, and that ha proceed ri th collection of said taxes, as provided
<br />by law.
<br />There being no further business, upon motion, ad Jpurne d.
<br />Collier Cobb, Jr.
<br />J. E. Laws Chnirman
<br />CC Ie~
<br />