Orange County NC Website
'~u~3 <br />"!nutes of t!:e 3oard of Ccrsii ss loners <br />Aazvst 11, .347. <br />~i~e nse ti nC }as called to order ty Coot at 2 o'clocl: o.n. ;ri th <br />ell ne!n.srs s-as eat. <br />^_'.,is r:ea ti n e;ns held .or the pur?os=_ ci intar+>iocrln~ applica^.ts icr tis <br />position o; Co :!nt;,r „caountant. lir, Janes .^-crdon and L:r. :'ubert ?•.. ner ng ul:cen <br />:oc t..e ocsi ti on tvsre inter;_e:ra d, iii. lra :'aru sno tier epgl:cent ties not <br />or es srt. <br />i15 ter sons c-_s cus sioa oi: t:~a onelii cn tlors of tis epAic cnts the meeting <br />~.:ns ndjoer ned until 4 o'clock ?.;!., hugest 15 tt. <br />Ccllie: CoL-t, Jr. <br />n a,~ ., <br />C t1n~ 10rIS <br />