Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />P~LICY: Cou~ty Contribution for Cammissianer's ~enefits <br />(Proposed Amendmen~s 3ftown in Bold 7yp~} <br />1. The 8oarof of Gounty Carnmissioners authorizes #hat the com~ensefio~ of th~ Courr#y <br />CQmrnissivners will inclu~te th~ County cor~tribution for t~~alth insurance, denta~ <br />insurance, ~nd life ir~su~~nce that is provided for permanent County ~mployees, provid~d <br />the ~ommiss~aners are eligible far this cov~rage under ~he insurant~a cvr~trscts and other <br />cantr~cts aff~cting these benefits. <br />T~e 8aard further provides that County Cort~rnia+ai~ners may continw~ ~v <br />parti~ipata in the Caun#y's group heal#h insurance a# #~~m end by paying tNe full <br />cost of such cavera~e, provided su~h eov~ra~e Is ar-~il~b~~ u~der the insurance <br />contracts affectin~ #hi~ henefit The aoirered County Gammission,er pays ~range <br />Gounty 100 ~ercent ot the cost af required premiums monthly. ~f th~ <br />Cammiss~one~ f~ ~ge 65 ~r olde~, Medicare becornes #he p~imary Insurer and group <br />health insufance ends. <br />2_ 1'he Board of Caunty ~ammissioners further auti~orizes that the compens~tion af the <br />~oun#y Cammissioners w~ll include a C~iunty cor~tri~ution fo~ ea~h Cornmiasioner to the <br />Deferred Compensation (4~7} Supp~emental Retir~ment Plan that is ti~e same ~s the <br />County oontribution far non-law enfarc,~ment Caunty employees ta th~ Statia ~01{k~ Plan. <br />3. The Bpard of ~ounty ~vmmissioners riire~#s the County M~r~~ger to incorporate in the <br />B~dget ~rdinance each fisc~i year a Cour~ty cantrEl~utian amount far each <br />CommissROner's health, d~ntai ~nd ~ifi~ ~nsurance equi-ralent ta the ~ounty cantrihution <br />ar'nount for Permanent County employ~es_ <br />4• The Baard afi Caunty Commissioners furthe~ direct~ the County IVlanager to incarpara#e <br />in the Budget Ordinance ~a~F~ fiscal year ~ County suppl~mentaE retirement cantribution <br />fnr ~~Ch cammissioner that is the same as the Gounty cantribution for non-law <br />enforcament County ~mployees to the 5tate 4~1 ~k) P~a~, <br />5. The Baar~ af County Ca-nmiss;oners adapts the Ca~nty contributiort far Commissioners' <br />health, ~I~ntal and ~if~ ir~sura~ce ar~d su~plemental retir~m~nt for the fiscal year throu~i~ <br />th~ adopti~n of the Budget ~r~inanc~ for t~at year. <br />