Minutes - 19470804
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19470804
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'b <br />C7lnutea of the Hoard of Comnissioners <br />i7onday, August 4> 1947 <br />The Board met at the usual hour in the Commi.ssione rs Room at the Court- <br />house: present, Collier Cobb, Jr.,Chai rman, Hen F. V111son and Hubert G. <br />Laws, Commissioners. <br />The minutes oP the July meetings were read find approved. <br />LSrs. Kathryn H. Hamrick, Home Dencnstration Agent, speared end reported <br />on the work done through her offive during the aonth e" ?sly. She also state <br />she was in need oP the oPfi ce space formerly used by Farm Security Admini stye <br />in order that she might have a place to hold necessary me etings. Mr. L!atheaon <br />custodian of the building was called is and after some di ecussion stated that <br />he thought some plan could be worked out whereby all parties Donee rned could <br />use this spade. <br />L"s. 1S. R. 4lokere of Chnpel-Hill-DUrhan Road presented a road pe ti tlon <br />reeue sti ng the State Highway & Public 4Yorka Comml ssioa to take over and grave <br />or apply soma type of surface to as unnamed road running North from Highway <br />No. 15, beginning in front of property owned by ,•.!, R. 4lekera and to the side <br />of the property formerly known as 1!erritt~s Esso Service Stetioa. <br />Th= Hoard informed Tfr. 4lekersthat they would make an inva ati gation of <br />this road and make reoonmendation to The State Highway & Public {Yorke Commis <br />Road nett ti oh was Presented asking that a certain street or road known as <br />Nunn Street Extension be worked for the benefit of said property owners end <br />the public generally. <br />:ipnlicati on oP James I. and Irving N. Davis to retail beer is Orange Coun <br />was upon motion, approved. <br />LSra. Jean Id. Ae er, Superintend ant of Public 1Velfere appeared and reque ate <br />that the temporary suspension of Lucille Macklin from Aid to Hlind be made <br />permanent, due to regular employment. Also that Jesse Pratt be granted 518.00 <br />per month as Aid to Hlind. <br />IIpon motion of Comnissi onar iYi lson, duly seconded by CocmS ssi onar Laws <br />both of above requests were approved. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner {Yi lsoa, duly seconded by Conmi.ssionsr Laws <br />the following road petition was approved and ordered sent to the State High- <br />eray & Public {Yorks Cormii ssion Yor thoir consideration, <br />Road which begins about one mile East of Itebaae <br />on the old Hillsboro Raed end runs Storth by the <br />homes of Lee Rice, San Hriggs, 1Valter Thompson, <br />Archie Thompson and others to the High Rock Road <br />erhich is a distance oP about four mile a. <br />IIpon notion oP Conmi.asi onar i'1l lads, duly seconded by Cox:rrlsaioaer Laws, <br />and all members voting in the affirmative, the following resolution levying <br />taxes for the year 1947-1948 Ss adopted as follows: <br />On each poll the sum oP 52.00 <br />On each female dog the svn of 2.00 <br />Oa each male dog the sum of 1.00 <br />For General County Purposes the sum oP .15 <br />For Public Health Purposes the sum oP .032 <br />For Superior Courts and Ja11 the sum of .03 <br />For Public Weltare Service the sum oP .11 <br />For General County Debt Servl ce the sum of .12 <br />For School Current Expense the sum of .10 <br />For School Capital Outlay the sum of .233 <br />For School Debt Ssrvloe the sun of .075 <br />The above making a county wlda total rate of $0.85 on the each 5100.00 <br />valuation of property. <br />Ia addition to the above levie e, the maximum mounts of taxes allowed to <br />be levied under Schedule B of the Revenue Aot of 1939, es emended, are hereby <br />levied. The County Tax Collector is hereby authorized and instructed to colle <br />the maximum taxes as provided by said State Revenue Act. <br />On motion of Commissioner Lavrs, seconded by Coe:nissioaer 1Yi loon, end all <br />members of the Hoard voting in the affirmative, the following resolution coveF- <br />ing appropriations for the Pi anal year 1947-1948 is adopted, to-rri t: <br />That Orange County appropriate for its budget for the fiscal year beginning <br />July 1, 1.947, end ending June 30, 1948, the following mounts, to-lvit: <br />For General County Fund the sum of 532, <br />~ 550.00 <br />For Public Health Fund the sum of 7, 800.00 <br />For Superior Courts and Jail the sum of 12, 6 <br />0.00 <br />5 <br />For Salary fund the =+rm <br />d of 31~, 4 <br />6 <br />{~42$^$$ <br />For Bublie !Yelfa,~ Fun the sum oP , <br /> COISTD. <br />
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