L+nutes o' tl:z 3o=sc of Cemri ==ion=_r=_
<br />:.:o^.caY, Ja1Y !', 15!'•7 .
<br />i
<br />he HORPG met et the u mal hour in tY.e Com-1s=_ioner!s 3ooa =. the
<br />;;urt:^.ouse -+-e sent; Collier Cdob, Jr., Cha+_rman, 3en r. "7+_lson snc 3cbert
<br />G. Ln!;s. ComaSs=loners,.
<br />?he mimrtes of the June meetl nes +^erz r=_ac. anc apnro ved,
<br />:;r. C.. '7.. 7a;h. s, Sune rin ter,esnt of C`anel ?1l1 3cnools axee.red and
<br />madz ;eclal *eocE=_t for :ones totaling =19, ~:;0.^0 '"?a ch !±= rzaorted ces
<br />r. er.tly needed by Rhe Cha ;e1 5111 Cisy '+c~'-ni st'ati ve iJnit *_'or the year
<br />i oL~_t;g,
<br />Se =_tated. that this +'+as s spz cl=l reoue st =nr. should not oe corfaszd
<br />,.ith the normal amount o_' ?er capita reczive~. ee.cY. Year for reoair=_, 1^suran<
<br />and ecuYOment.
<br />Dor. S. 3'.ethe son, Orsnge Coon t; Fern Arent, gave a comnarl son of Cren ge
<br />~n8. five otter cou rti zs as so v=Sue snc. _;rocuc lion of z'a.±'n c.,_...:l ties i_..
<br />~;P. ._"" IOLa
<br />^h= 3o'>rd of 3~9uc etion c.p!iz s±-Ed =nn ~- zszn tEd thsir ;rono=_ed curget for
<br />^:~ 'Y Ecal :'ar 15'17 Lo.
<br />Cipon motion, "0111 of °_ern ere Y. Lurllem for o0 "c months old pullets
<br />]ti l;.zd bq co_e ^+as approved fnr a3 j.00.
<br />C;pon motion, grattn o' "', C. JE_'frie=_ for 322.00 pzr uonth a= ela to
<br />b11nd. e!as t-ar, rn^rEd,
<br />:;non moll oa, Cerl C, Davis ?__ hereby ree?pointer Or,~'!gs County ^_aa Col-
<br />lector fors gem o° tr;o Ysars.
<br />l~nereas, 1` is ne ce =sarY E.nc ;ro'±zr th^t fi:;ed sal ariz s, princYpsl
<br />^nd inure=t <P Sndebtednes=, =_ta$cd cn!n_;en=:=.tion of e?'<l cers =nd emoloY=.es,
<br />tine usuel crclnary expenses of the camty 'nc its =_uuc?','±elons ma.Y be
<br />oromntl;7 paid:
<br />i~OC~, Gh51'Ef Ore, 1L is :nerE O>' Ori!e?'ed that `uhE fJll Or'1n inte,'im
<br />':: ODYi.tl Jne be ma; j.e :
<br />?O t.^.e iEn PTnl :und J'?, iOO AO
<br />?o Puol+_c `7clfare Fund a, C00, 00
<br />mo 3alariz_ ar.d ?zee 2,500. 00
<br />^_o Co'.u-t ~: and Jail oC0. 00
<br />°_o Soho of nn^und j, 000 ~00
<br />-:$E Qnunt.'/ Accountant i= autha rl zec a.ne. c,->cten :o -~.v current orcin:+.r •)
<br />E?:p>n se _= egei^st the .''an::=_ e:bove li stzd ncc Ezcesdira :^:e =r..ount=_ of t'r.s
<br />=.~pronriations ?tere'oy ma.c.e, is13 =~,>n;-onrla t". ons r..ar.e b': s re solo t'. ar,
<br />ei^~.~ 1 oe c:-ie F==b~ e to h .ere 1 - . c-; ' n .s r c' - +ll r er
<br />aace +^ ~l:z annual ~.n o -.a Sons ~ ~+nn ~~: ,'.Coo +on _ r 4 ~ tr-et
<br />fe ie /e?.r i,L7 1cL^~ ~ ±c:~ ,..+ 1 _c =~or. .e r ~..r .n u_ -! in.
<br />o: ~_._ __ sd..
<br />!Jron motion of Coat:+__==loner '"+1son, f.ulY secor.dzfl oY Cos-!i s5l onzr Lav%s
<br />..... is=acitu=e in = 'o'-a-1^=i 7enare'- "'m c. 3uc5: o. ~c:e a9~C.G0 '!':Sch
<br />c•! _,,.. ronrl _~.ea ~o t:.e S lary unn ~.__ 'Y.. =.su+^zr's co~.i!. =. eiors + :he; Eby
<br />Seer, 5 tint Erdznt of ?'.~oPc '!elfare ore -cen'tec her 1cL7-!-~:.'
<br />bucsEt'sho:`inv smount to~oz r=issd 'o f.' the county for O.dA, PDC, e.nd F+lo11c
<br />':elfe.r=_ Acminleaatlon _~ .,.. ?3,510.00, _.,_ carit, ^?o^ mo:1o^., _, ,ro~•°:?
<br />t!;is E~nro~:ri all or..
<br />Centiausd
<br />