Minutes - 20020516
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020516
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SUMMARY <br />ORANGE COUNTY WATER SUMMIT <br />MAY 16, 2002 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on May 16, 2Q02 at 4:Q0 p.m. at the Southern <br />Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for a water summit. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Barry Jacobs and Commissioner Moses Carey <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Margaret W. Brown, Alice M. Gordon and Stephen Halkiotis <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: S. Sean Barhanian <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. <br />Blythe {All other staff members will be identified appropriately below) <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT AGENDA <br />FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. <br />NOTE: THIS WAS NOT AN OFFICIAL MEETING SINCE ONLY 2 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />ATTENDED. THIS VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT WILL BE PLACED IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. <br />1. INTRODUCTION <br />A. Opening Remarks <br />Chair Jacobs made opening remarks. Welcome. We are pleased to have sa many people that <br />we wanted to have here today at this water summit, which is hosted by the Orange County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Moses Carey is sitting over here by the window. Commissioners Margaret Brawn, Alice <br />Gordon, and Steve Halkiotis will probably be here by and by. We will take time, sa that everybody who is <br />sitting up here can introduce himself or herself. I will be glad to recognize other people who are here. If you <br />are representing one of the water providers, and you would like to come sit up here, there is still roam. So <br />please feel free. <br />My name is Barry Jacobs, I am also one of the Orange County Commissioners. We are pleased <br />to host this water summit. We wanted to start off with a little comment from Ambrose Pierce to set the tone, <br />and it's a definition of neighbor. "A neighbor is one wham we are commanded to love as ourselves and who <br />does all he knows how to make us disobedient." We are all neighbors, but if we da not communicate, then <br />we develop misunderstandings. Sometimes personalities get in the way. Sometimes we simply do not <br />recognize that we have common interests. So what we really are all about is trying to get beyond the frictions <br />and divisions. We assume that the water providers who are here today are here out of a sense of self- <br />interest. Self-interest is good in this setting. What we want to do is talk about the issues that brought us to <br />came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to have this water summit and to have these players in <br />the same place at the same time. We are proud in Orange County of how long we have been committed to <br />protecting watersheds, water supplies. We, in fact, in discussing this meeting, we protect the water for all of <br />the municipalities and for Orange-Alamance. Everybody who is here, we help protect your water, because <br />we protect the watersheds. We are not a water provider. Obviously, we cannot keep on doing things the way <br />that we have been doing them over the course of the years. As growth takes place, it changes some of the <br />equations, it bumps us against one another, and it starts to affect the resources that we have. We are <br />obviously also in a difficult financial climate, more difficult for some than for others, but difficult for all of us. <br />That may not go away. That may make us look at things a little bit differently. And we are also in a changed <br />climate period, whether it is temporary or not. We went to capacity use in the Eno River system two and a <br />half months before we normally do because of drought conditions. We are working on an update of our <br />comprehensive land use plan. We first did it 20 years ago. Obviously it has been amended many times <br />since. But we are trying to incorporate a lot of the thinking that has changed and also trying to incorporate <br />the plans of those who have a participatory role in how Orange County grows. <br />When we talk about learning the challenges and concerns of the water providers, we think it would <br />be useful to have same common understanding of what we are each doing, a common language, and a <br />common sense of at least understanding. Before we can even talk about collaboration or cooperation, we <br />need to at least understand where the other person, or in this case, entity, is coming from. I think all of the <br />
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