<br />,Cinll tan Ci ti!a ~CnrO Ol ~O.".:SaaS:.Cn9r5
<br />[:Dods;', i:ay .i, _d~?7
<br />The Board of Con¢nlss loners for the County of Or snge tiorth C¢rolina,
<br />met in regular session at the County Cour tF,ovae in Hillsboro, the rsguler ols ce
<br />o{ meeting, at 10:00 o~clock, A. T8„ L!ay 5, 1947.
<br />Yr went: Chairman Co111er Cobb, Jr. sod
<br />Commissioners i'. G. Laws and Aen 5. 71116 on
<br />Absent: ?Iona.
<br />.. is :. ,+ ,. .. :. ,. .. +~
<br />The Chairmen announced that this was the d eta and Four fixed by the
<br />bond
<br />3oard Tor the public hearing upon the folloving/order s:
<br />0??Li3P, AtiTHOHZZI??* +B1O,00D
<br />OHD~E? A"TECHZZIP?C.'r150,000
<br />COgHTY 3P,ZLDLiI^. A02JAA
<br />CHLZR AIITH02IZT3:G $85,000
<br />COIIRTvOb a); AOI'iDJ,
<br />end that the Aoerd could irm:~ediete ly hear eny end ail clti zoos and t¢xoeyers
<br />who might desire to nro test against the iss ur an ce of said bonds.
<br />t7o citizens or taxpsyer of tria County apse are d, either in Hereon or
<br />by attorney, to protest against the issunnce cf any of said bonds, and the
<br />Clerk ennotmced thet no gr otast in ru'iting, signed by anc citizen or t a±:paye r,
<br />hod been presented.
<br />Th er aunon, upon notion of Commlasloner '':'tl is on, seconded by
<br />Coruais sinner Ln•.vs and c¢rrie d, the ordor in troducad and pan sed on first
<br />reading on Anr it 22, 1947 authoY zing %e1u, 000 School Building Sends v+as rued
<br />a second time and nlacad upon Sts final pass¢ge. T_he vote anon the final
<br />passage of sa!d ordor was:
<br />Ayes: Commissioners Cobb, :ills on and Lecs
<br />Floes: 1Vone
<br />The Chairman then snnoimced that the order author izing ::,810, OOU
<br />School Building '-Dods had passed,
<br />Thereupon, noon motion of Ccnril,ssioner Fli is on, second ed by
<br />Commissioner Laws and carried, the cr der introduced and cas sed on first read-
<br />ing on April 22, 1947 authorizing 9150,000 County Bui ldin6 Bonds wss rend a
<br />second time and pieced upon its final passsge. 'i hs vc to open t::^s final pss Hoge
<br />or said order mss: ',
<br />Ayes: Commissioners ,^.obb, 'iii is on and Lawa
<br />woes: ;;one.
<br />The Clasirn:en then announced that tl-e order authorizing 0150,000
<br />County Building '-ends hes passed.
<br />Thereunon, upon motion of Coss:lssioner 17116 on, se ccndsd by
<br />C ommissicnar Laws and cnr ria d, G±e order introduced and pessod on first read- ',
<br />ing on April 22, 1849 authorizing `i85, C00 Co,u•thouse Bends r+as road a second
<br />