Orange County NC Website
`~~ <br />J:Snutss of t!-a 3oerd of Co::edssionsrs <br />A?r11 ~', 1947 <br />The 9o and of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Cerol!ne, <br />met 1r, ad,~ourned reviler ses=_1 on at the County Court hoe se in H111 slw ro, the <br />regular place oP meeting, at 6:C0 o'clock, P. ?.t., 9nri1 22, 194. <br />Present: Chairman Co 11!er Cobq Jr. and Commissioners <br />H. C. Laws and Hen F. Wit son <br />Absent: None <br />Comma es inner Lat^s introduced the folloc:ing three orders <br />authorizing bond=_, whl ch were reed: <br />CRDEA AUTHO?S ZIP!G $610,000 <br />SCHOOL BUILDS NG HO-'D9 <br />!'IHEAEA S, the Chanel Hill CS tv AdministretYve Unit has certified to th1. <br />Hoard e re soly ti on ps=sod on .4nr!1 2?, 191+7, =howlne that St is ne cessarY in <br />order to ma.i nt alp the constitutional six moo th e' school term Sn said Unit to <br />era ct addl tl ons to school build in -s =nd ecq~~i re necessary eculnment the re Po r, <br />the estimated cost oP whtch !__ $407,500; and <br />!'7HEAEAH, the Hoard of EducdH.on oP Oran ee County has certified to this <br />Board a. resolution pas =_ed on Apr11 2? 1947, shoming that it is necessary in <br />order to ma,int_in the co r.eti tuts opal =1x months' school term in the Orange <br />County Admini strat ive Unit to erect e new school buildine, anc remodel and <br />erect eddi ti ons to existing school -build.!n-s, and acquire necessary ee ui pment <br />therefor, the >stimated cost of ~^ht ch is a402, 500; and. <br />{Yf?EF°A 5, said resolutions retire _=ent that no Pund=_ are avn11ab1e Por sw <br />porno se and no provision has peen made therefor 'oy local tax or other^i =_e, and <br />tk:e Heard. of Educed on has reeue sted this Board to et: tho ri ze s-nd Sssue e - <br />suff!clent amount oP 'ponds ofOren s,e County for such nurno se; and <br />lYH~?-AB, the Board of Commissioners has carefully examined the facts <br />and hss determined and does hereby PSnd as a Pact th t it hes 'oecome the duty o: <br />said Hoard oP Commissionsr=_, actin_ es en ad.min!strative egent of the Stnte Sn <br />nrovid Sng a °H tste system oP nubile schools, to order the is=_vance of bonds of <br />the County Per such nurno se Sn order to maintain *.he non st!tutional six months' <br />school term in Orange County; nov:, therefore, <br />BE IT OPDEFED 4hID AEHOL!r'D by the Ho 1'd of Comma ssioners for the Count; <br />of Oren ee• <br />1. The t, pursuant to the CnLtn ty Finance Act, as amended, bonds oP <br />Oran gs County be tssued in an amount not excee di ne $610, OOC for t_,e purpose oP <br />er en tang a new school bui ldin rz, and re modeling and erec t!ng additions to <br />existinc school 'oui ld?ng=_, end acquiring nacessa.r7 sou!nment therefor, Sn order <br />to maintain the constl tuticn al s!-°- months' school term in Oran ae County. <br />2. THat a tax sufficient to pay the principal end in tors st of =_aid <br />bonds r!hen due shall be annually ley!ad and ea llecte d. <br />?, That a st a.t ement of the County debt h¢s been filed vd th the clerk <br />and is oven to n~i pile Snspec tl on. <br />!1 That this order shall tales off ent ~~•hen a?P raved by the vo tsrs oP <br />the County at an election as provided in said Act, <br />ORDER AVTHOAI Z1iJC S150.000 <br />COUTITY BUILDIF:G BOFIDH <br />HE IT OAD~3D AND AE SOLVSD by the Hoard of Comm 1=_sioner=_ for the <br />County of Or_n ge: <br />1, That, pursuant to the County Finance Act, as emended, and en act <br />nP the General Assembly of North Carolina ratified at Sts regular se ssicn 1n <br />1947 au tho r!zing the Hosrd of Comma ssl oners of Orsnce County to issue bonds <br />under the County Finance Act for the aceui si taco of a site and 'ouildine oP an <br />office 'ouildi ng to hou so County actl vi tl e s, banes oP Orange County be issued. <br />in an amount not ezaee d!ng $150,000 Por the purpose of acquiring a =ate and <br />'oui ldiag an o_ff!ce butldi nc_ to provide space Por th_ Hoard oP Educet!on, <br />YlelPare Denartmen t, Health Department, Te:; Collector, Auditor and ether o`ficer <br />¢nd functions oP =aid County. <br />2. That a. tax sufficient to nay the principal and in:=rest oP sa13 <br />bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. <br />? That e =_tate moot of the County flebt ha= been filed cy,th the Clerk <br />sod is open to nublin In spec tl on. <br />q. Ths.t this ardor shell take e°..°eet when epproved by the voters of <br />the Covnty at an election s=_ pro vtded in =_a1d Act, <br />OADEA AUTN.ORI ZIWG 655,000 <br />COiJA^_riOtJ SE 3041DS <br />