Orange County NC Website
`>z~3 <br />?"~~n tes of the ?c and of CorsnL=s loners <br />~ridag, isnr it 11, 1947 <br />The 3oerd of Commissioners fon the ceun ty of. Orange, Tlor th <br />C¢r olina, net in ad,ourned ragul¢r session at the Corm tq Courthcuse in :?111. <br />boro, the regular nlaca of mae ting, et 7:30 o'clock n. m.., 9pri1 11, 1947, <br />Pr asam:: Ch¢irm¢n Colii¢r Cobb, S^., and Com:eis=loners N. ,^.-. <br />Laws and San ?. :ri is on. <br />Assent: None. <br />The members of the °oard of P?e if are anoe ared bof ar© the 9oerd of <br />Corm issioners re~~es ti ng a salary incre asa of .710.OD ner month for t.irs. <br />Phlf er and T..r s. Clayton, Clerks in tte toe if ¢re office, such increases to be <br />re tro¢ctivo to J¢nuary 1, 1947. <br />??p or. motion o! Commissioner Laws, end duly seconded sy Commisaioner <br />'='lls on the Sol lowing resolution was unanlmouslg edoo to d: <br />RTSOLI 'D, that the seleries of bfrs. Phif ar and 'irs. <br />Cington, Clerics Sn the !:'e 1f¢re OSfico, each be in era esed <br />j1U. 00 per month, re tr cactive and affective cs of <br />Sanuary 1, 1947. <br />Tha msmsers of the 3o and than held s dis cession as to the pro- - <br />posed bond issues for school s.rd count; purposes. <br />??-r-or. motion duly nsde, seconded crd omen±movs ly carried, the <br />_se ting v;as adjourned until P.nril 15, 1947, nt 7:30 o'clock p.m. at tho <br />regular piece of m¢a ling. <br />Collier Cobb, Jr. <br />J Lae•s ,...a r <br />Clerk. <br />