Orange County NC Website
„j <br />Etc sting of the Hoard of Commis~i oners <br />,donaay, April 7, 1947 <br />The Board met at the usual hour in the Commiesionere Room at the Court- <br />house, with sll members present, '_='.1 -; 'JC ::~, Y_ :'3a'_'rrr. ''n _ ~"^^n end <br />Hubert G. Laws, Commis si onerc. <br />tdr. Don S. ^_7athe son, Orange County Farm Agent, and tdr. Ed °. Berne s, <br />Assl start Agent, appeared and reported on the fapm ~ei tuation'in the `County. <br />Hr. Harnee reported on program underway to improve corn yl aide by plant- <br />ing hybred seed earn, he al eo talked oP the pig-chain program and oalf show, <br />He stated the Pre sbyt eri ens were having a barbs qua and bran siviak stew dinner <br />at New Hope Chnroh and invited members of the Hoard to attend, they thanked <br />him for the invitation and expressed their re grata at not being able to ascent, <br />due to amount of by ei Hess to be transacted. <br />d4. 2dathe aon reported on the farm situation in general, he stated that <br />indications were that Orange County farmers would need 1600 acres oP new pas- <br />ture this year, el so that tdr. Aubrey 24artin had purchased a portable rack <br />crusher which would help the farmers of the County in ge ttSng crushed atone <br />Por private roads and other purpo se e. <br />Lir. P. H, Johns, Orange County Flre Nerdan and tdr. Tillman of the Aslel gh <br />Office, appeared end talked of the advantages in erecting a Pire tower on <br />the mountain near Hillsboro. The Po and favoredthe erection of the tower and <br />re guested G. N. Ray to contact owner of property and eee iP tower el to could <br />be purchased, <br />Delegation Prom Chapel Hill, con ai eti na of members of the School Hoard and <br />Parent Teacher Associ atoon appeared and submitted an estl mate of $1,000,000.00 <br />as the needs for school buildings and renalra Por the southern part of the <br />County. '..,. <br />T.Sr, G. A. Brown, Chairman of Orange County NelPare Hoard and tdi ss Annie <br />Strowd, acting Suneri ntendent,oP Public Nelfare appeared in connection with <br />a salary raise Por 1fS se Strowd end two oPPioe worker e. ', <br />tir. Hroivn stated that hie Hosrd had s?wroved a ral se oY $20.00 per month i <br />Por L;1 ea Strowd as oP April 1, 1947, el so, a $10.00 per month raise for 7dr s. <br />0. H. Clayton and tdre. Panay Phifer retrosoti ve to Janu sry 1, 1947, sub,~ect <br />to the approval oP the Eo and of Comml es~oner s. <br />After careful consideration the Hoard approved the increase for \41 as <br />Strowd, but P"lt-that it could not approve the other increa sea at this time. <br />Upon motion the grant oP ifinnie Terrell Por $21.00 per month as aid to <br />blind was approved. ' <br />The Hoard oP Education met in 3oint session with the Eo and of Co mmissioner: <br />and di sou ssed the school. building needs oP the county. Action was dePe rred <br />un tll Friday, April 11, 1947, at 7:30 p.m„ at which time there will be anothez <br />point session. <br />The following bilis were approved: J. L. Nilson-one 2-weeks old pig 55.0C <br />John H, Cate-4 goats killed by dogs $6.00, <br />Upon motion 2dr. John Y.. Harmer was anpointe~ as member of Orange County <br />Hoard of Nelfare for a term of three years-beginning April 1, 1947. <br />Upon motton G. F7. Ray was appointed Orange County Accountant for a term <br />oP two years- beginning April 1, 1947. <br />The foil ovine names were drawn to serve as furors at the lday term of <br />Superl or Court: <br />1. Charlie N. Rainey, Jr, H.H. 19. 9. J. Aparrow C,H. <br />2. E., C. Compton C. G, 20. George H, Gibbs ~• <br />33 L, C. Childress 0.G. 21, Edear Pickard H. <br />4, J, L, Phelps C. G, 22. J, ~H, Parker 0.G. <br />55 A, L, wilklna B. 23 T. J, Blackwood C•H• <br />6. A, P. Hall Clcs 24. E. L, Plekett C.H. <br />7. Arthu r VV, Cole L.R. 25, L. P. Hav ser Ck s. <br />H. J, R, Crabtree C, H, 26. Harry tV. Crone 0.H, <br />9. A. H. Eorland C.H. 27. A, A Dodson Ck e. <br />10. Alex Carroll C, H. 2B, Chyle Garrett H• <br />11. J. H, Dickey L.R. 29. Hildrey Ivey H. <br />12, Fred S„ }den gum L, A, j0• Ed, H , Lloyd H• <br />1'i, id. L, Hutchins Eno jl. 0. 1L. Powers 0.H. <br />1 „ T, C. Reynolds C. H, 32. Alvin Eawk ins C. G, <br />15, T7, 0, Howard Cks 3 A. H. RS lev C, G, <br />16, A, J, honk 0. G, j~, 0. L. HerrY L. A. <br />17. Ernes t Robinson L, R. jg H, N. Truitt Ck s. ; <br />18, Nm, T . Lic%ee L.T, 36: B, H, Lloyd C.H. <br />