Minutes - 04-19-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 04-19-2001
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APPROVED 11/7/2001 <br />MINUTES <br />ASSEMBLY OF GOVERNMENTS MEETING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />CHAPEL HILL TOWN COUNCIL <br />CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN <br />HILLSBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL <br />APRIL 19, 2001 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in joint session with the Chapel Hill Town <br />Council, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, and the Hillsborough Town Board on Thursday, April 19, 2000 <br />at 7:30 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Stephen H. Halkiotis and Commissioners <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Alice M. Gordon, and Barry Jacobs <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Margaret Brown <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Harmony Whalen <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County Manager <br />Rod Uisser, and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe (all other staff members will be identified <br />appropriately below) <br />CHAPEL HILL TOWN COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Rosemary Waldorf and members Flicka <br />Bateman, Joyce Brown, Pat Evans, Kevin Foy, Bill Strom and Jim Ward <br />CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN PRESENT: Mayor Michael R. Nelson and members <br />Allen Spalt, Jacquelyn Gist, Diana McDuffee, Alex Zaffron and Joal Hall Brown <br />HILLSBOROUGH TOWN BOARD PRESENT: Mayor Horace Johnson and members Kenneth <br />Chavious, Frances Dancy and Mark Sheridan <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. ALL RECORDINGS OF THE MEETING WILL <br />BE KEPT FOR 5 YEARS. <br />OPENING REMARKS FROM THE CHAIR AND MAYORS OF CHAPEL HILL. CARRBORO. AND <br />HILLSBOROUGH <br />Chair Halkiotis welcomed everyone. <br />1. PRESENTATION OF REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION STRATEGY <br />Mayor Waldorf said that after the election of November 1999, the Mayors of Chapel Hill, <br />Raleigh, Durham, and Cary met to talk about how to work together to try to craft some greater <br />initiative for long-range transportation solutions to the transportation problems in the region. They <br />came up with a plan to develop a study and an analysis of the region's transportation needs. The <br />Regional Transportation Alliance and the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce has helped in this <br />initiative. The study began in August 2000, and the deadline of February 2001 was met for <br />completing the study. The study was based entirely on existing plans that had gone through the <br />public processes. She introduced Mayor Glen Lang of Cary, who was to present the results of the <br />study. <br />Mayor Glen Lang of Cary made a presentation on the results of the study. He said that the <br />first thing they accomplished was to figure out how big a problem the Triangle had if mobility were <br />going to stay about where it is now. The second piece they were hoping to get out of the study was <br />haw to provide the funding to keep mobility where it is at this time. The consultants took all the MPO's <br />plans and tried to put them together into one plan. They also looked at DOT's plans and Triangle <br />Transit Authority's plans. He said that between the state, federal, and municipal funding that was <br />currently in place at the time of the study, there is going to be about 7.7 billion dollars spent on <br />
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