Orange County NC Website
L+1 nU tes Of tae Ba ET d. of COm-:1 P. si on Erb <br />::ondaY, Janu e.rS o, 1947 <br />~(l nS <br />ej,J <br />The Hoard met et sae usual hour in tae Com~sis slo rer's Room at the <br />Courthau se: Present, Co1'_i er Co~ob, Jr, Ch ei rman, Hen F, WS lson and <br />Bu"osrt G, Laws, Commis =_loner s. <br />The minutes of the De esaber meetings vre rE re ¢d 2lld approved. <br />Apnlicetion of ';'i lson Caldwell to re teil beer in Orange County, <br />r-as upon motion, apps ve d. <br />Road petition asl:l ag that e roed knoern as iLe edorebrook Dri oe, in the <br />Ridden Bills deveiopment, on the Durhapp Boyd, and the extension thereof. <br />knoe:n e6 Frar.cls 6treet be put on the!ir$~~°~+¢p, wes anon mation approved <br />and ordered sent to the State BS ghray ¢nd Fu'a11c Storks Commissl on for <br />their consideration. <br />Cony of tae Grend Jury re?art of De cenber term of Superior Court <br />'„as read 'oy Chairman Cobb, <br /> John S'~. Umsteed, Jr, anr.; ter, Jem es :'iebo, members of the Ltorth <br />Care line Le cislature from Orange County appeared and discussed matters <br />to come oE:dl ': thi6 ses non of the Legislature, <br />Unon motion. of H. G, Lens, duly seconded 'by Ben F. '711son, the following <br />e:ere named as e committee to thou rouehly in ve sti rate the establishment oc <br />a County or Recorders Court in .°-111 sboro, enc. were asked to report to the <br />no erd at their first meeting in February. <br />J. Dumont Bski-idge, Chairman <br />L. J, Phipps, B. D. 6¢nyer, <br />R, 0, Forrest and C', E. Williams <br />The Ho erd of Sducatlon eppe ared and ai scu ssed a pe aue st made of them <br />oy the student school bus arlvers taet their selarl e's ~oe increased.. 140 <br />action t:'es taken. <br />Don H, i".athe son, Orange County Ferm Agent and ii B, Berne s, Assistant <br />Agent nnpeerefi snd or=_s=_n ted a narrative report of the c.~ork done throw ah <br />their offl ce for the veer 1946. <br />::rs.. Pathrym F.. 9amrl ck, :Home Demonstreti on Arent, appeared and reported <br />on tixe Aso rk none tlxrough 'ser office for the year 1946, ' <br />1.Y, "1, m, i;at tox, 6uperin tendent of ?ub11c t7e lfare anpeared end. reported <br />on ell O.A.A. enc A. D. C, .rents and revs sl on of rr_nts handled tl:rouE_:'t his <br />office for the month of Deceriber,1946. <br />Uoon motion, tae B02rd approved revlsione ma~da in aid to blind cases, <br />es fallorrs: <br />?ally 17re-~ from +20 .OC to X27,00 per mo. <br />- Leo Chester Cates " 30.00 to 6.00 <br />Ch e.rlie Robert nhlte " 30.00 to 2,00 <br />Au_*us J. iierrih gton " 17.00 to 26.00 " " <br />1'111 ~-i am C, Freeland " 27,00 to 70.00 " <br />Ro'oert Bsnks Booby " 1!0,00 to 45,00 ° " <br />:uat ilde J. Pickett " 35..00 to 42.00 " " <br />t`Se B. C7oods P 22.00 to 29.00 <br />S:'llliam C, Jeffries 1s e new af•.dition to ebo ve ceses and his trent <br />rras approved for a20,00 per nonth, <br />Tae clerk to this Hoard is here oy requested to meal copy of resolution <br />adopted at a pre vtous meeting. relet ive to 1'a six-S;olla ck property to <br />Ifl ss Gertrude Czrreway, Id er: Bern, I:, C, <br />There being no further business upon motion, Ad,lourned. <br />Co111er Cobb, JR, <br />J. 5. Lavrs CYslrman <br />ler2Gr ~ <br />