Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 4/3/2001 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />May 16, 2000 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, May 16, <br />2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Carey, Jr. and Commissioners <br />Margaret W. Brown, Alice M. Gordon, Stephen H. Halkiotis, and Barry Jacobs <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County Manager <br />Rod Visser, and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe {all other staff members will be identified <br />appropriately below) <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. ALL RECORDINGS OF THE MEETING <br />WILL BE KEPT FOR 5 YEARS. <br />1. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA <br />The Board agreed to add to the agenda resolution "C" for Dog Bite Prevention Week and to <br />postpone decision item 9b, "Interim Process for Town/County Parkland Collaboration." <br />2. CITIZEN & AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br />a. Matters on the Printed Aaenda (These matters were considered as the Board <br />addressed the items on the agenda below.) <br />b. Matters not on the Printed Aaenda <br />Chair Carey said that five people have signed up to speak an the housing trust fund. <br />He asked that the speakers not duplicate information. He pointed out that there would be more <br />than one public hearing on this issue. He asked for the speakers to reserve most of their <br />comments far the public hearing. <br />Ellen Whitaker, who is an Orange County citizen and a member of the Committee for <br />Human and Animal Safety, spoke in support of an ordinance that would ban the display of wild of <br />exotic animals for entertainment purposes in the County. She made reference to a list of other <br />communities that have already banned such exhibits. She said that this list is attached to the <br />ordinance she distributed. This ordinance was modeled after the one that was passed in Carona, <br />California. She urged the Commissioners to pass an ordinance to ensure the safety of the public <br />and wild and exotic animals. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she read the material. She asked that this be referred to <br />the staff and the County Attorney for a report to come back to the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Ms. Whitaker for the materials. He said that he feels <br />that this would fit in with the ordinance that the County now has for exotic animal control. <br />Mark Chilton presented the County Commissioners with a petition with 632 signatures <br />which he said is representative of a great deal of interest and a broad base of support for one cent <br />of the property tax being allocated for affordable housing. <br />Ruby Seinrich pointed out that the housing problem in Orange County is a local <br />problem. She said that the Chapel Hill Town Council has passed a resolution of support far the <br />one-cent allocation for affordable housing. <br />Richard Leiber said that he has been a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity for four years <br />and is serving as president of that Board this year. He asked Susan Levy to give a copy of three <br />resolutions of support from Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Carrboro to the Commissioners. He <br />