Minutes - 02-28-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-28-2000
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Approved May 3, 2000 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />AND <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />February 28, 2000 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Planning Board met on Monday, <br />February 28, 2000 at 7:30 p. m. in the Judge Gordan F. Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Carey, Jr. and Commissioners Margaret W. <br />Brawn, Alice M. Gordon, Stephen H. Halkiotis, and Barry Jacobs <br />PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Karen Barrows and members Barry Katz, Howard <br />McAdams, Theresa Nicole Gooding-Ray, Onie Lea, Lynne Holtkamp, Runyan Woods, Rachel Preston, Leo <br />Allison, James Selkirk, and Robert Strayhorn <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Planning Director Craig Benedict <br />and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe (all other staff members will be identified appropriately below) <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. ALL RECORDINGS OF THE MEETING WILL BE <br />KEPT FOR 5 YEARS. <br />A. OPENING REMARKS FROM THE CHAIR <br />Chair Carey welcomed everyone to the meeting. He said that Planning Board Chair Karen Barrows <br />would be introducing each item on the agenda. <br />B. PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Chair Carey dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />1. Orange County Subdivision Regulati~ <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said tt <br />on Board of County Commissioners' goals and Plan <br />that at every quarterly public hearing additional step <br />comprehensive plan by bringing forth regulations the <br />public hearing would address two general areas s~ <br />comprehensive plan. He said that the staff is in the <br />that all of the information about zoning, subdivisions <br />use items have been proposed by the staff based <br />3oard discussions over the last six months. He said <br />Id be taken far the preparation of the County's <br />vith the comprehensive plan. He said that tonight's <br />;ion regulations and transportation issues of the <br />ss of creating a unified land development code so <br />economic development districts will be inane book. <br />a. Section III-B Classification of Subdivisions <br />Presently, there is a 24-month period where an applicant can submit an application for a minor <br />subdivision of four lots, and then after two years, the applicant can submit an application for an additional <br />four lots. In each case, the applicant can submit an application for an additional four lots after two years. <br />What is being proposed tonight is that the two-year time period would be extended ten years. If an applicant <br />submits an application for any additional lots before the ten-year period, the subdivision will be considered as <br />a major subdivision. This regulation change would give the staff a better ability to evaluate a larger scale <br />project. <br />b. Section III-D-1 Concept Plan Approval in all Zoning Districts Except the Rural Buffer <br />Presently, a concept plan can be submitted for a flexible plan and a conventional plan. The <br />Planning Board has the option of approving or denying the flexible and conventional plans. These plans do <br />not go any further until the applicant brings forth a preliminary plan. About t5-80% of the time, the applicant <br />chooses the conventional plan. What is being proposed tonight is that the Planning staff would recommend <br />which plan would fulfill the goals of the County Commissioners and the comprehensive plan. If the applicant <br />does not choose to go with the staff recommendation, he or she can make an appeal to the County <br />Commissioners. <br />c. Section III-D-2 Concept Plan Approval in the Rural Buffer <br />This is the same process as for the non-rural buffer areas. The rural buffer section of the code <br />
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