i5lnutes of the 3oard of Commisslonere of ~<<¢
<br />Orange Count;, :!ondey August 7,19ae
<br />The Board met at the usual :Hour, in the Com:.~issioner's Room
<br />at the Court House; Present, Collier GOOp, Jr. ,Chairman, Ben F,
<br />}^Sleon and. 3ubert G. Laws, Commissi onars!
<br />i:anutes of the last regular end ed,t ourned meetings were read
<br />and approved- ,
<br />L'ise "loodward i3yers, Home Demonstrat ion Agent, appeared before the
<br />n oerd and re_vorted on the l:•ork done through her of'iue during the month
<br />of July.
<br />Is. 'i., T. L:att ox, Superintendent oP Public 7lelfare, presented e list
<br />of all 0• A, A, and A, D, C, revisions and terminations for the month
<br />of July,
<br />9111 of Grady Durham,for one hundred hens killed oy dogs,was approved
<br />for 530.00,
<br />Uv on notion of Commissioner C/ikon, duly sedanded by Commissioner
<br />Laws, and ell members votin¢ in the affirmative, the Poll ovine res olut lop
<br />levying taxes Por the ,year 1944-1945 is adopted as Yollows:
<br />On each poL the sum of 52,00
<br />On each female dog the sum oP 2,00
<br />On each iae.le cog the sum oP 1..00
<br />For General County Pux-oosee t'se sum oP -15 <
<br />For Public Health Pur_noees the sum of -033 <
<br />For 6uper for Courts and Jail the sum of ,023
<br />rr^or General County Debt Service the sum of ,?93
<br />r'or School Current 3xpe nse the sum of .11 <
<br />For School Coo ital Outlay the sum of ,125
<br />For School De`ot Service the sum of ,106
<br />For Plelfare Service the sum of .14 <
<br />The aoove malci ng e county wide total rate oP •68 on the each
<br />5100..00 valuation oP proper ty.
<br />in add lti on to the s'oove levies, the max imam amounts of taree all owed
<br />to be levi efl under Schedule B of the Revenue Act oY 1939, ae emended,
<br />are hereby levied, except as to Pilling stat lone and automobile dealers,
<br />Sn which case no tag ie levied. Plith this exception the county tax col-
<br />lector Ss hereby authorized end Sns eructed. to collect the maximun testes
<br />as provided 'oy said State P.evenue Act,
<br />On motion oP Commis sinner Leers, seconded py Comni ssioner 'Y11son, and
<br />ell members of the Board voting in the aPY irnetive, the following reso-
<br />lution covering appropriations Yor the _"iscel ;/ear 1943-1955 is
<br />econted, to-wit:
<br />That Orange County angr opriete Por its oud get for else fiscal year
<br />oeglnning .July 1, 1944, end ending June 30,1945, ells follor+ing amounts,
<br />to-w1 t:
<br />For General County Funn the sum oY 525,675.00
<br />For Public He elth Fund. the sum oP 5,450.00
<br />For Superior Courts enc. J':11 the sum of 7,250.00
<br />For County Debt Service the sum of 32,475..00
<br />For Salary Fund the sum of 24,055.00
<br />For School Current e,;pense Fund the sum oP 40,4?0.11
<br />For School Cap lta.l Outlay Fund the eum o' 20,008.00
<br />Far School Debt Service the sum oP 19,407.90
<br />For 17e1Pere Fund the sum oP 30,200.12
<br />Thus malting e total budget appronrieti on oP ;1204,971. 13
<br />That the aoove eppr opr is tlon of Salary Fund oP 524,055-00 Ss derived
<br />py using an unencurioered balance of 52 322.74 end other revenues such as
<br />commissions and Pees to the amount oP ~12, 162. 50 with en anpraprietion
<br />from the General County Fund of b9, 569.75, which amount is necess^ry to
<br />raise the total needed for coup ty solar ies. This eppr onrietion of
<br />59,569-76 is hereby epeciS ically trensf erred Prom the General County Fund
<br />to the Salary Fund, end se.id amount Ss in edP.it ion to the $25,675.00
<br />which appears in the above Aee cri'oed budget under the head of General
<br />County Fund.
<br />That Sn the above eppropriati ons for schools, as will be shone in
<br />de toil by reference to School Budget statements r~hich have ~o een 'fled
<br />by Orange County Hoard of education, ann. which. have been approved by this
<br />3oerd, it is determined that Chapel 3111 Sp ee iel Charter District shall
<br />receive under the heat. oY Current expense the sum o` "A,573. 17, s.nr under
<br />the head of Capital Outlay 45,535,00, and under the heed pf Debt Service
<br />the eum of 7625.27.
<br />That under the head of "elf ere Sn t e shave ed opted but zet the total
<br />enproprietion oy Oranr_e County emoant s~n to `?30,200,12, v!hlch smount e~u'.ed
<br />to the Yunds to be made eveileole oy Sederel government and the State
<br />of IJorth Csr olina in the amount oP ;36,802.00 Hill make a total ^!el Pare
<br />ou<.cat of X67, 002.12.
<br />Copt hued.
<br />