Minutes - 19890330
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890330
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-_~ :`i <br />ORANGE COUNTY BpNUTES <br />ARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />MARCH 30, lggg <br />The Orange Count i <br />y Board of Commissioners met in special session with the Towns of r <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill on March_30, 1989 at 7;30 <br />Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina for the ur oseiofthearinrtroom of the Old <br />proposed Impact Tax legislation, p p <br />g public comments on the <br />ORANGE CQUNT~' BARD MEM~~ PRE_S~ Chairman Moses Care Jr. <br />Stephen Halkiotis, Shirley E. Marshall and Don Willhoit. y' ~ and Commissioners <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD MEMBER BSENT• John Hartwell. <br />C~ BOARD MEMO PRESENT, Mayor Eleanor G. Kinnaird, and Aldermen Jay Br an <br />Tom Gurganus, Randy Marshall and Judith Wegner. <br />CHAPEL HILL BOARD MESS PRE, S~T~ Mayor Jonathan Howes and members David Godschalic <br />Joe Herzenberg, and Art Werner. <br />ATT~ PRESENT_ Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />STAFF PRESET County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County Manager Albert <br />Kittrell, Deputy Clerk to the Board Kathleen Baker, Clerk to the Board Beverly A. B1 the <br />Finance Director Ellen Liston and MPA Intern Beth McIver. <br />y , <br />INTRODUCTORY REMAgKs <br />Vice-chairman Stephen Halkiotis made introductory remarks. He stated that Orange <br />County's attorney Geoffrey Gledhill will make the presentation. At the conclusion of that <br />presentation, public comments will be heard. <br />Mayor Jonathan Howes o.f Chapel Hill thanked council members Werner and Godschalk for <br />their participation on the committee that drafted the proposed Impact Tax Legislation. <br />Mayor Eleanor Kinnaird thanked Aldermen Wegner and Marshall who worked many hours on <br />the Impact Tax Legislation. She and her Board are interested in what the citizens have to <br />say about this proposal. <br />,~ <br />Vice-Chairman Stephen Halkiotis entered into the official record letters from Helen <br />Urquhart supporting the legislation, and Blue Cross-Slue Shield opposing the pro osed <br />legislation., A telephone message was received from the Hillsborough Savings andpLoan <br />Association opposing the proposed legislation. <br />PRESENTATION <br />Geoffrey Gledhill, with the use of an overhead projector, gave an overview of the <br />justification for the Impact Tax. He stated that the focus of this bill is to create a <br />source of revenue to partially fund the planning, design, construction and improvement of <br />public facilities which are necessary in whole or in part because of the development of <br />land within Orange County. Orange County feels this kind of a tax is justified because <br />historically and now public facilities for which local governments are responsible have <br />been provided principally through the use of revenue from ,sales tax and property tax. The <br />committee that drafted this proposal concluded that it is neither possible nor appropriate <br />far the local governments in the County to rely solely on the methods that are presently <br />available in order to construct all of the capital needs of the County. A tax on the <br />impact o£ the development is an appropriate way to, in part, fund that portion of the cost <br />of capital projects which cannot be precisely attributed to any one development and <br />therefore cannot be made a requirement of development approval and cannot be reasonably <br />taxed to the people of the County that were not responsible for the increased capital <br />needs. This proposed legislation is intended to replace authorization that is now in <br />place which allows the local governments in Orange County to impose impact fees as part of <br />
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