Minutes - 19890329
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890329
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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />MARCH 29, 19$9 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the Chatham County Board of Commissioners <br />met in joint session on March 29, 19$9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Culbreth Jr. High Auditorium <br />for the purpose of receiving public comments on a proposed boundary line between Orange <br />and Chatham Counties. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT FROM ORANGE. COUNTY: Chairman Moses Carey, Jr., and <br />Commissioners Stephen Halkiotis, Shixley Marshall and Don Willhoit. <br />BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: John Hartwell. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT FROM CHATHAM COUNTyy Chairman Carl Thompson and Commissioners <br />Earl Thompson, Gus Murchison and Mary Hayes Holmes. <br />STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Deputy Clerk to the Board Kathy <br />Baker, Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe, Tax Assessor Kermit Lloyd and Land Records <br />Manager Roscoe Reeve. <br />INTRODUCTORY REMARKS <br />Chairman Moses Carey, Jr, made introductory remarks. He welcomed everyone and stated <br />that the proposed county line is the result of discussions between the two Boards over the <br />last three years. The primary purpose of this proposal is to affect as .few people as <br />possible and recognize as much as possible the history of this line. The importance o£ <br />establishing this line has never been greater because of the growth that this area is <br />experiencing. Part of the process in establishing this line is to receive public input <br />before a final decision is made by each of the Boards. <br />Chairman Carl Thompson made introductory remarks. He welcomed everyone and emphasized <br />that establishing the line is important to both counties. The plan that is proposed will <br />not be disruptive to any family, <br />County Manager Jahn Link stated that as a result of several meetings between the <br />Chatham County and Orange County staffs, there has been an agreement on the monument <br />siting at Starpoint. This proposed line has been drawn on the map. <br />Roscoe Reeve, Land Records Manager, described the proposed line as shown on the aerial <br />photographs he displayed. He used the established monument on the Durham\Orange County <br />line as a beginning point of the northern boundary line of Chatham County which is the <br />southeast corner of Orange County. He explained the process that will be followed once the <br />line has been apprgved by both boards. <br />Commissioner Marshall entered into the record a letter from Elinor Moore Irvin who <br />expressed a concern that the proposed line would place five or ten acres of her land in <br />Chatham County. She asked that all of her property stay in Orange County. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Walter Atwater expressed concern that part of his property will be in Orange County <br />and part in Chatham. He asked what he would need to do when he was ready to subdivide his <br />land. Chairman Carey stated that he would be taxed in Chatham County. However, that part <br />of the property that is sufficiently in one county or the other would be govern by the <br />
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