Minutes - 19890320
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890320
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~l <br />M1NUTEs <br />ORANGE GOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />- SPECIAL MEETING <br />-- MARCH 20, 1989 <br />.The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session with the Town <br />Commissioners of Hillsborough on March 20, 1989 at 7:00 in District Courtroom, new County <br />Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina for the purpose of discussing the proposed <br />reservoir and other items of mutual interest. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT FROM ORANGE GOUNTY: Chairman Moses Carey, Jr., and Commissioners <br />Stephen Halkiotis, John Hartwell, Shirley E. Marshall and Don Willhoit. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT FROM THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH• Mayor Fred 5. Cates, Jr., and <br />members Horace H. Johnson, J. Michael Kirby, Bobby P, Riley and Remus Smith. <br />ATTORNEY PRESENTL Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., County Engineer Paul Thames, <br />Deputy Clerk to the Board Kathy Baker, Clerk to the Board Beverly Blythe, Director of <br />Recreation and Parks Mary Anne Black, and Planning Director Marvin Collins. <br />1. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENTS BY CHAIRMAN AND MAYOR <br />Chairman Moses Carey, Jr., stated that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss <br />mutual, issues and to pursue a working relationship between the Town and Orange County. <br />Mayor Fred Cates stated he agreed there is a need to discuss some important issues and <br />to reach a clear understanding on those issues. The main issue and one of the primary <br />objectives of Hillsborough is to seek a raw water supply for the Town. The Town Board has <br />determined twelve alternatives for the supply of water. Most cannot be accurately <br />- addressed until a decision is made about the reservoir. Once that decision is made, the <br />Town feels it can provide water during the interim time the reservoir is developed. <br />-'` 2. AGREEMENT ON TIME LIMIT FOR MEETING <br />It was agreed that the 'meeting will not go beyond 10:00 p.m. <br />3. REPAYMENT OF THE ONE MILLION DOLLARS TO BUY LAND FOR A RESERVOIR <br />Chairman Carey explained that when th`e County pursued the one million dollar bond <br />issue, it was done on the basis that the money would be repaid by these individuals and <br />businesses who used the water. There were no timeframes attached to this repayment <br />period. This is a policy that cannot be reversed <br />Mayor Cates made reference to the resolution presented to the County Commissioners in <br />April which outlined a proposal for a joint partnership in developing the reservoir at <br />Seven Mile Greek. He stated the town has not received any official response to that <br />resolution from Orange County. Because of the problem of equity he suggested that the <br />County pull out of the reservoir proposal altogether; convey all the land they own in the <br />Seven Mill Creek basin to. the Town of Hillsborough for a reasonable amount and let the <br />Town of Hillsborough be free to proceed, with the cooperation of Orange-Alamance and their <br />2200 water customers, in building this reservoir. The additional water customers added to <br />the Town's 3440 customers dilutes considerably the individual consumer's financial <br />responsible. In answer to the question of who will pay for what, Cates stated that the <br />only way that anyone can contribute to any expansion or financial expenditure in the water <br />department is through the consumers only, <br />
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