Minutes - 19890124
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19890124
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_`' ~, <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARp OR COMMISSIONERS <br />SPECIAL MEETING ON EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS <br />JANUARY 24, 1989, 12:00 NOON <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on January 24 1989 <br />at 12:00 noon at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for the Purpose of <br />hearin a <br />g presentation from Joe Myers on Emergency Preparedness, <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Care <br />John Hartwell, Shirl` y~ Jr., and Gommissioners Stephen Halkiotis, <br />y Marshall and Don Willhoit. <br />STAFF PRESENT_ County. Manager John M, Link, Jr,, <br />the Board Beverly A, Blythe, Social Services Director Marti~Cook~rpublic Health Clerk to <br />Director Eileen Kugler, Sanitarian Tony Laws, Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass, Administrative <br />Officer Richard Poole and Health Director Dan Reimer. <br />Joe Myers, Director of State Emergency Management, presented information on <br />emergency preparedness. He stated that it is important for the County to have three <br />components in place: (1) coordination, (2) caoperatian and 3 <br />community, It is important to have a ( ) unity - unity in the <br />population and because of the technological hazards becaueryt~ingeinvolvesechemica <br />ls. <br />Myers gave statistics which indicate that the number of emergency disaster <br />situations continues to increase each year, He emphasized that a community must know <br />(1) haw to get the resources to handle a disaster and (2) what to have in place to <br />respond to an emergency, <br />Myers listed the number of state agencies that may be involved in ari emergency, He <br />emphasized that teamwork is essential. Everyone involved must know their fob and a <br />procedure must be in place for carrying out those duties. The governing board would <br />need to know how to call an emergency meeting and how to enact an ordinance if necessary <br />to handle the emergency, ' <br />A slide presentation was made showing the different types of emergencies that have <br />happened in the last four or five years and how they were handled at the state level and <br />at the local level. The plan for Orange County does not need to include a plan for <br />every type of emergency but it does need to be a multihazard plan. <br />He described the four phases of emergency management - (],) mitigation, (2) <br />preparedness, (3) response and (4) recovery. These are described in the material Myers <br />distributed and which is pant of the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office, <br />John Link asked if there was any state assistance to help counties identify the <br />individual responsibilities of each office. Myers responded stating that there are two <br />types of training exercises available, <br />The Disaster Law of 1974 was discussed. Myers described the <br />followed in declaring an area a disaster area, A process must bepincplacehthatuwauld <br />include an assessment team who would evaluate the total damage. <br />In closing, Myers emphasized that everyone who works for the County would have a <br />role in an emergency. Mutual aid agreements between the County and the cities need to <br /> <br />
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