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-~~n <br />MINUTES ' <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING ;~ <br />JANUARY 19, 1989 `` <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioner met in special session on January <br />19, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at Moorefields Plantation, Hillsborough, North Carolina far <br />the purpose of holding a joint meeting with members of the Orange County Planning <br />$oard. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Carey, Jr,, and Commissioners Stephen <br />Halkiotis, John Hartwell, Shirley E. Marshall and Don Willhait, <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Barry Jacobs, and members Chris <br />Best, Virginia Boland, Carol Cantrell, Abbie Dickinson, Betty Eidenier, Sharlene <br />Pilkey and Steve Yuhasz: <br />STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Planner Gene Bell, Clerk <br />to the Board Beverly A, $lythe, Planning Director Marvin Collins and Planner <br />David Stancil, <br />Introductory remarks were made by John Link, Barry Jacobs and Chair Moses <br />Carey. <br />INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS <br />Chair Carey stated that in the last two years there has been some <br />differences of opinion on how the Board of Commissioners and the Planning Board <br />work together, Questions about who makes the policy decisions in the County have <br />been raised. He doesn't feel the relationship has changed. There is a need for <br />different kinds of input now than two years ago. He stated there is a need for <br />an ordinance review process that gets the maximum from those affected before it <br />gets to the public hearing level, <br />Barry Jacobs talked about how things have changed with the change in County <br />Managers. In the past the Board of Commissioners turned to the Planning $oard to <br />genezate and carry things through. County Manager John Link is more involved <br />with planning and the relationship between the Planning Board and the Board of <br />Commissioners has changed. It seems that planning items are heard about in a <br />different way, which is usually by the newspaper. He stated the Planning $oard <br />feels it is their job to carry on the policy initiatives the Board of <br />Commissioners stark and that they have good advisers. Lately, it has not been <br />perceived that way. <br />Commissioner Hartwell noted that in teams of day to day activities, it seems <br />that the Planning $oard has the confidence of the Board. However, in terms of <br />other than day to day concerns, the newspapers question things in such extreme <br />ways and print in such extreme ways that doubts are present. <br />Chris Best stated that there are differences but there seems to be a problem <br />with how these differences come out in the newspapers. The Planning Board is the <br />bad guy in the newspaper, <br />